The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
"Now, good fellow, er, just a moment!" Kyalson says, almost putting a hand on the shoulder of the commissioner, but reconsidering the very last second. "My supplies are, besides nutritious food provided by myself, are in the nature of couriers and mailmen I can talk with about about fetching my latests and tastiest noodles through the route, or at least, the last checkpoint I will set up." A momentarily pause. "I sure hope, they are not in these boxes, haha." The laughter is a very sad laughter.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - by ProfessorLizzard - 05-15-2020, 08:11 AM