The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
"That with an W in it?" Muttered Jow, writing down the name and squinting at it. "Nah, that looks wrong." Squibbling out Agwrenalder.

He shot Duril a look, then wrote 'Proffeessor' down next to the name.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - by MQuinny1234 - 05-12-2020, 03:56 AM