[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Airitech, Baylee and Casey adjust their positions!

Logan moves to strike!


Logan attacks! They hit! 8 damage!
The cavalier counters! A hit! 10 damage!

+2 EXP

Logan repositions!

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]

Fighter 2 attacks the Mysterious Axeman!


The fighter misses!
The moonlight catches the stranger's axe. He swings, an inhuman roar leaving his throat as he does!


The axe sails through the air and plants itself in the bandit's chest, only narrowly missing the heart! 15 damage! The lad heals for 7!

The other fighter is... sort of terrified by this! It's as if an aura has overtaken the young man, one that tells him he'd be better off leaving this to the cavalier. He attacks Mazelina instead!


He strikes, and... his attack goes wide!! A lock of hair is cut from Mazelina's head as she narrowly dodges the axe.

+1 EXP

The cavalier gears up to strike the young man!


Against all odds, the horseman misses once more!

The prince's counter-attack also falls short. He seems winded.

The other cavalier decides it's time to prove his glory by finishing off a wyvern rider! He is oblivious to how bad things are going over the river.


The cavalier attacks! His attack goes real wide!
Logan counters! They hit! They manage not to bungle their lance in the process. 8 damage, and only -1 QL!

+2 EXP!

[Image: az5BMoZ.png]

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]
"Lucrezia, ma'am! Reinforcements are on their way! I'll have to be off - a knight's duty is to protect the innocent and the beautiful, after all - but I thought I'd let you know!"

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]
"Abner, wait! You-- ugh."

Abner sallies on down to save Logan!


Abner strikes! The cavalier falls dead.

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]
"Nothing to fear, fair rider! Abner, Great Knight of Renault, is here to protect you!"

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]
"The prince is safe... for now. Time to cut the head from the snake."

Lucrezia the Rogue runs forward, draws her bow, and fires at Father Balthazar!

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]
"Putting your leader on the front lines? You Revs really are confident, aren't you?
[Image: u4pwV1J.png]
"Confidence has nothing to do with it. We have conviction on our side. Progress stands with us. So long as we have faith, our victory is inevitable. We needn't all live to see it."
[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]
"Spoken like someone about to eat dirt. Let's end this."


The rogue strikes! A hit! Poison flows through the Father's veins!
Balthazar counters! He hits! Darkness surrounds the rogue, crashing in in a terrible implosion!
The rogue strikes once more! A hit! Father Balthazar falls dead!

[Image: u4pwV1J.png]
"...His sacred word... transcends... my weak flesh..."

16/100 EXP

The Revotrians scatter to the winds. The Father of Fear has perished.

[Image: JjwuDrd.png]

The strange axeman and Lucrezia regroup. Abner gathers you lot and leads you to them.

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]
"These are the reinforcements I mentioned, your highness! Quick, introduce yourselves!"

Messages In This Thread
[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by Protoman - 03-17-2020, 07:31 AM
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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-17-2020, 11:55 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-18-2020, 04:15 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-18-2020, 08:41 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-18-2020, 11:46 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-21-2020, 02:14 AM
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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-29-2020, 05:51 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-29-2020, 11:08 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-31-2020, 02:08 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 04-03-2020, 02:04 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 04-05-2020, 12:39 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 04-13-2020, 09:15 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 04-15-2020, 09:52 PM
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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-06-2020, 08:13 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by Protoman - 05-06-2020, 09:27 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-07-2020, 11:44 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-12-2020, 12:15 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-13-2020, 03:26 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-17-2020, 10:00 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-17-2020, 10:32 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-20-2020, 03:44 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-26-2020, 10:28 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-29-2020, 10:12 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 06-08-2020, 07:00 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 06-16-2020, 10:08 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 06-21-2020, 07:00 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 06-24-2020, 11:20 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 06-28-2020, 03:52 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 07-18-2020, 10:55 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 07-24-2020, 06:59 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 07-31-2020, 05:38 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 08-10-2020, 01:59 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 09-16-2020, 03:23 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 09-28-2020, 04:34 PM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 10-07-2020, 03:49 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 10-16-2020, 12:46 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 10-25-2020, 12:55 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 11-18-2020, 07:47 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 12-04-2020, 04:38 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 03-14-2021, 04:42 AM
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - by pail - 05-06-2021, 05:01 PM