The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!]
Name: Duril Agrenalder

Description: Middle-aged, balding and slightly pot-bellied, Duril is not what you'd call a looker by any stretch of the imagination. He wears small circular spectacles at all times, and can barely see without them.

Skills: Duril knows a fair bit about medicine and mechanics from his education, as well as a good deal of knowledge about the former cities of Erihal from his decade on a wartime research team. These are far more practical skills than his main focus; magical research. Erihal had the world's greatest knowledge of magic, and its loss was a blow to the world. Some say its capital was even destroyed with magic. Duril wants to recover those lost secrets, learn and record the lost arcane arts of Erihal, and find out the truth.

Culture/Homeland: Duril comes from Kelthurios, a smaller state of the League. It consists of a single large city placed amidst some mountains supported by verdant agrarian valleys and small townships. Kelthurios is hardly an economic or military heavy-hitter within the League. However, it is famed for its mountaintop observatories, as well as the scholarly libraries and educational institutions that grew around them. About a hundred years ago, this amalgamated into the Kelthurios University, an organization dedicated to expanding, spreading and preserving the knowledge base of all mankind. The city has a hardworking communal culture, though the long years of the war and the duty that was placed on its shoulders to copy imperial technology and send soldiers to the battlefield has worn away some of the kinder and more tolerant parts of the city's cultural fabric. The University tried to resist having its character changed by the war, but as the years of the conflict dragged on, it took on an aggressive air, trying to seize and compile the most useful knowledge from the world over to aid the League.

History: Duril is a scholar of magic first and foremost, though his education in Kelthurios was polytechnic, as is usually the case for high-achieving Kelthurian alums. He was spared military service due to his chronic short-sightedness, and thus did not serve directly in the Sixty-Year War. Instead, after graduating, he was put onto a lesser-staffed research team dedicated to trying to understand what had caused the Desolation of Arisha. Due to not having served closer to the fighting, he was viewed with a degree of shame - not so far as to be ostracized, but enough that he never had many friends outside of his research buddies. Ten years of research turned up little but false leads, funding shortages and wasted time, what with Arisha being well out of reach for practical study. Over that time, the mission gradually shifted from specifically focusing on Arisha, to investigating any signs of supernatural prowess and destruction being employed by the accursed Imperials.

With the war now over, the urgency went out of his mission, as it wasn't like the Imperials were going to recreate the effect and wipe out more cities any time soon. Duril was moved off of the team, and was instead put on his current mission; knowledge recovery, and the reclamation of whatever secrets can be reclaimed. With his years of in-depth study of texts and maps referencing Erihal's cities, he's well-suited to go and explore the sites in person, despite his lack of physical fitness.

Reason for joining the Resettlement: Erihal knew more about magic than any other state of the league. Admittedly, that isn't thought to be too much, but Duril isn't about to let that knowledge go to waste. He's been backed by Kelthurios University, who provided some financial support to the expedition in exchange for his research being a part of the mission.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by Demonsul - 04-26-2020, 12:25 AM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM