The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!]
Name: Jow McJobbernowl

Description: 26. Tall, tanned, brunette, chisseled as shit and dumb as bricks. Jow is a scrawly talker, with an easy smirk and steady brown-eyed gaze. A bit of stubble over his face, kept barely at bay by casual shaves. A face that's taken a few blows in it's time but weathered them well. Jow is quick to act rather than think things through, and believes it's better to follow a decision to it's end and the choices made in the moment when your life is on the line are the ones that you learn the most from.

Skills: Jow is handy with firearms and pistols, good with horses and animals and tracking and surviving out in the untamed lands, a head for directions, a knack at patching up a wounded folk with both herbs and some healing hands he has a skill for, throwing hands and stomaching punches when needed and a good gut instinct he relies on to keep him outta trouble and who's worth trucking with or not.

Culture/Homeland: Jow is from the fenic badlands, a member of the Owl tribe of travellers that collected and those abandoned by other tribes to increase their numbers, with the logic that everyone's got a use if yah can just help them find it. They have a light tie to natural magic, but leave it mostly to a smaller percentage of their tribes to truck with that kinda thing and just keep the rest of them on the straight and narrow, and how to be respectful like to the land. They try to collect what they can from the land and wander around to trade between people and cultures.

History:  Jow himself joined the tribe with his ma and pa when as a wee tot, his parents having had a disagreement with their past fellows in blood members to the Owl clan. He grew up pretty happy, but butted heads a lot with outsiders looking down on them, always quick to back up his words with violence. He's mellowed out a wee bit now, after he travelled with a rougher crowd for a bit outside his tribe, but he returned a little wiser about things and with a sharper edge and collection of skills he'd honed and learnt. Now he's looking for a way to help repay the tribe for taking in him and his parents, and to make sure they can survive the changing times that are a'coming.

Reason for joining the Resettlement: Jow has collected a branch of the tribe to head out and see if he can set up a new home for his adopted extended family, and cut out some clout and power for them and a new way to gather new members for the Owl tribe. For now they're looking for a chance to make a name for themselves and make their services as guards, trackers and traders known.

"Don't get me started on Henchmen."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by MQuinny1234 - 04-25-2020, 11:25 PM
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM