Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)

Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Lucia: ask DT the following questions and any more that you might think of along the way, what's a "guardian"? what's a conjuration? what is this world you're in? what are those monsters that roam about and want to kill or kidnap you? what does being a "maid of dusk" mean? why do you have amnesia? are there any more guardians beside you and Alice? you did see that other kid who saved you

[Image: ddsksya-aca72ce9-6f43-40e7-ba61-3fa84c87...OKVeXcSUWQ]

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[Image: ddsksz3-e4354837-8b3b-4794-bb18-0e28101f...mTki6mikNE]

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Lucia: Ask what's with all these reapers after you.

[Image: ddskszq-dee45310-08a5-4353-84f2-e1cfd1f7...HKgueR5-cs]

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[Image: ddskt0f-e150181c-cbe1-4390-ae12-a61859e5...nstAiPJXl0]

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[Image: ddsktaa-60d35103-ae30-45e1-8cab-f903550b...3un6LwRvbM]

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[Image: ddsktat-b89256e2-7e19-47a7-8ff0-edc3c28e...SRPkW92YsU]

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[Image: ddsktb0-d72f8061-ce28-424e-b789-36cddf25...wpMENQWuOA]

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The SHADOW SABRE increases ???'s Strength by +20!


[Image: ddsktbb-c2b8acd5-fadb-403e-8e50-88e2a1cc...PIsoyUQTIg]

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[Image: ddsktbi-3f2b528c-ee61-4410-8d7c-9802fc01...J-vwZXBUNQ]

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[Image: ddsktbz-126cebdd-50d5-4ffd-be70-ab65c938...AR8Sg_hfUk]

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You try to remember back to your earliest memory of the day your conjuration first appeared. You'd been crying for sometime, feeling lost and alone. You couldn't understand why you were being attacked and followed and now abducted by strange creatures. It felt like years since someone had called your name.


[Image: ddsktcc-09c63026-048d-4728-9919-35764e99...8h670rIDfY]

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[Image: ddsktd9-8f46c403-69e9-45e5-929b-e0a94ca1...6I79UGZUFc]

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[Image: ddskteq-db6ef1c9-6fbc-45c7-8cda-fc7f609f...m5UQXf9_XI]

You retrieve the Icebat doll from your inventory

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[Image: ddsktih-9ce83b62-049b-4a9a-86a8-44c9d380...ult45QDhjI]

The memory hits you out of nowhere, crisp and clear in ways nothing related to your past has felt in years.

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[Image: ddskukd-aa60936a-f706-48bb-bce8-9b71bf4e...DSiLsh2agA]

Lucia has recalled something and has learned a new power for Ira.

Shadow Veil!

Ira wraps around Lucia and shapeshifts into a black hood to help her blend into the darkness! While wearing Shadow Veil, Lucia appears invisible to monsters for a short amount of time.

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[Image: ddsktip-b7298f80-a2ce-452c-a4f6-b8a5e644...GmIhXPOXvQ]

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It seems that after your ordeal Alice is finally ready to admit you're not an impostor, even if she doesn't seem fully convinced.

The question is, do you want to?


1) Accept (join party)
2) Decline (You and Ira can make it on your own)
3) Other (enter command)

I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1) - by Cr0w - 04-28-2018, 09:18 PM
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1) - by Panur - 03-17-2020, 05:37 AM