Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE

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Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE
Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE
Originally posted by a deleted user

A bunch of people named chester wound up at the chesters of the world ceremony.  There was a thing in the pondwater and now they all went nuts ans might be killing each other/themselves?

Based on the highly existent "Jester is Mafia" by Dragon Fogel and "Jester is Mafia II: Second One" by Dragon Fogel (note to self: insert links). Roles and alignments will probably be counterintuitive and self-defeating and also  bblubblbuh.

Rules: 1. don't do shitty stuff, where shitty stuff is defined as doing shitty stuff.
2. it's a geame
3. don't talk outside of thread about game-related happenings.
4. i reserve the right to call your sister and ask her if she is free for the upcoming minor league baseball game.  it will be plutonic, not romantic because I am a writer and have heard she has experienced some interesting things in her many years of living. would like to get to know
5. don't copy paste things in your pms/quicktopics/ircs. you can paraphrase but don't copypaste.
6. beware of drunk drivers

1. Chester Fogel
2. Chesterbottles-- thirdparty aligned euthanasia assistant wanting all kinds of cultlery, won with a d4 suicide!!
3. ChesterOrange- Chester Molesters-aligned thiefman, died of snakepoison end of d4
4. ChesterBlue ??? went missing n2
5. ChestlyParanoid and Sdechester (was chesterel who may still return?)
6. ChestshireCat was cyber95
7. ChesterGuy
8. Chesterlaris- thirdparty aligned match-throwing gamblechester, starved to death end of d4
9. Chestcaliber
10. Chestzer-  aligned Bulletproof Lightningrod suicide day 2
11. Chesterblooded-thirdparty aligned unchester suicide day 4
12. Chesterthepen (CTP)- chestown-aligned snake cop, died of snakepoison end of d4
13. Chesterdini-thirdparty aligned rolephisher killed by drunk driver after no-lynch at end of day 2
14. pharmdrugs
15. ░untiʾ
                 S▓hquiʾ stʾ          r

16. soundlyParanoid thirdparty aligned really false martyr, dead by drunk driving during night 2
17. Chwoka thirdparty aligned hungry bear, dead by drunk driver after no-lynch at end of day 3
more??????? who knows

Be fun and amusing! This game is a game meant to break the ice between peoples. The more you get into it for the fun aspect (roleplaying as your character or contributing to a friendlier and more entertaining game atmosphere), the more of a winner you are on the inside. (And I may re-roll once if there's an unfavorable diceroll result if there are random effects on your role and you are making the game more entertaining.)

These are the mechanics of DAY ACTIONS.  Skip to the bottom if you don't want to read for the important stuff.

The important thing/"I don't want to read the above": no AP are required for voting.  If you don't want to read the above and don't want to bother with day actions, just know "you have to eat and drink something to do night actions." The reason I made it this way is so together we could play a game that not even I can understand what's going on. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Chester Mafia Requiem: CHEST IN PEACE - by OTTO - 05-02-2009, 06:32 PM