Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
Originally posted by a deleted user

Have you ever sat down one day and thought to yourself. "Gee, how can I improve my adventure. I sure am lost and don't know where to go or what to do. It would be handy if some people attempted to rectify my situation through an online bulletin board system."

If you have, this is the place for you. Please, have a seat and we will all try to help you help yourself.

  • Critiques and Advice is given on a request basis, if they don't ask, don't give.
  • If you request critique or advice, don't shun it.
  • A general "don't be a turd" but this was a given.
RESOURCES: Things will be linked here if I notice someone links a good resource for aspiring adventurers, or they themselves make a 5 star post that would be an aid to anyone This thread will also serve as a general discussion thread on what makes an adventure good (or not) and other related topics as they turn up.

Messages In This Thread
Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring. - by OTTO - 04-23-2009, 08:24 AM