(02-10-2018, 07:50 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Maybe start by taming a couple small spirits? Work your way up to the big boi?

In any ordinary circumstance Xannon The Great would not dare perform an illusion that they had not first perfected through countless hours of practice. However in this circumstance there were several factors that prohibited such careful preparation; the difficulty of spirits, the limited amount of time available before some other mage claimed this gargantuan spirit for themselves, not to mention the likelihood that bonding with multiple spirits might be impossible. There were rumours of course, Xannon The Great had heard such whispers, but they were always second, third or even fourth hand accounts told excitably and with very few details.

[Image: hiKhCtn.png]

While they could not take the time to properly practice without losing this opportunity forever Xannon The Great could at least research the topic a little. Amongst Madame Aegwyr’s collection of eldritch tomes they found a slim volume entitled: Understanding Spirits; A Hands On Examination of These Mysterious Entities by Archibald Q Whipple. At a cursory glance it appeared to be an exhaustive documentation of recorded wild spirit encounters and testimonies from those who had survived the binding process. Xannon The Great resolved to peruse the text in a little more depth when they had the opportunity to do so.

(02-11-2018, 10:22 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Speaking of which is the pink squirrel a spirit?

[Image: YMvc4vW.png]

Like most things in the shop Blossom is one of Madame Aegwyr’s curiosities, she always described it as a ‘fae creature’ and she would warn of the potential consequences of making deals with it. She in fact discouraged talking to it at all, claiming the only reason she kept it around was as a magical battery. Blossom made Xannon The Great a little nervous to be honest, and the way it seemed to move between containment orbs while they weren’t looking didn’t help.

(02-11-2018, 10:22 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Is it even ethical or right to bind a spirit? Can't there be a mutual work relationship

Xannon The Great’s understanding on the subject was that binding a spirit was like guiding the growth of a plant, or maybe more like trying to put a muzzle on a fire. They were entities of limited if any sentience and their uncontrolled existence could cause damage to anyone and anything around them.

However, with that said the accepted wisdom regarding Unbound AIs was that they are cold emotionless monsters that wouldn’t hesitate to kill if there was some benefit to be gained from it. Xannon The Great hoped that should it turn out that spirits were sapient beings being ritually enslaved they would choose to stand alongside the spirit no matter the power and prestige they’d be giving up.

But such a decision was a long way away and many more immediate obstacles still remained.


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