[OOC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

[OOC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
RE: Swords Beneath the Starlight
NAME: Mazelina Mühle

APPEARANCE: What would you imagine an agent of the Goddess of Creation to look like? Whatever one answers is wrong, because the agent looks like Mazelina. Towering and statuesque, many might think Mazelina beautiful. If you ask her, she supposes she is, and very much chalks it up to a blessing by her Goddess. Her skin (bless Her for making it strong) is as pale as snow. Her eyes (Bless Her for letting them see) are a vibrant green. Her hair (bless Her for making it full) is straight and silky, draping past her shoulders. Her body (bless Her for its health) is full-figured, often hidden beneath her robes. Modesty isn't necessary, but it helps worshipers focus, and nothing matters more than the Goddess. (Bless her for all the lives she helped build.)


WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: Hadleigh, was a small kingship in the Ilyun League. The Lord's castle was the most massive structure in the town, rich and impressive, but Mazelina would insist that the church itself was the place to be. While the church might have pale in comparison to the Lord's home, it made up for that with its brightly coloured glass, pure white bricks, and bell tower. The rest of the town was full of sturdy buildings, though most were ultimately unimpressive compared to the two standout buildings. The farmers would have their markets every other morning, and the town square was often full of life, celebration, and the laughter of children. (Bless Her for letting them have that joy, however fleeting it proved.)

BIOGRAPHY: Mazelina was born to a father and mother who believed they would never conceive. Thus, she was deemed a miracle baby of sorts, and her parents fawned after her accordingly. Her father (Mikkos) was the Deacon of the church in town, while her mother (Olleta) was a school teacher before leaving her job to raise her daughter. Growing up, little Mazelina was educated privately, though she didn't want for friends. The church had plenty of children her age running around, and her father made sure she knew the word of the Goddess of Creation.

The Goddess was (is) good incarnate, and Mazelina grew up loving her like she were her dearest friend. Often, her parents would catch the girl whispering to the intangible deity, giggling at a joke no one else could hear. It's one she made up herself, of course, but that made it no less funny. The Goddess is a being of all forms of creation, and the church would worship her by building monuments, sculpting statues, painting...Mazelina knows many arts as a result, and considers them all to be a passion. Music, cooking, painting, sketching, molding clay...all give back to Her. (Bless Her for these hands she was given to express herself.) She grew up educating herself among the church until the day finally came for her to join the ranks as a proper Initiate. It was the happiest day of Mazelina's adult life.

Of course, the opposite force of creation is destruction. It's only natural for it to seek out that which it mirrors, and only a month ago, Hadleigh was sieged by the Republic. The castle was taken. The church was destroyed. Mazelina lost all she knew, and her parents are unaccounted for. Given the chance to live, Mazelina fled, taking her hiding spot as a sign from the Goddess that she had more to do than try to heal the corpses of her fallen townsfolk-- though she still attempted this. (Bless her for taking all that they worked to create. There must be a reason for it. There had to be a reason.)

Now, she travels, bringing the word of hope and the Goddess to all she encounters...even if it's a hollow word she's faking until it becomes real again.


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RE: Swords Beneath the Starlight - by Protoman - 03-12-2020, 11:27 PM