[OOC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

[OOC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
RE: Swords Beneath the Starlight
NAME: Barnabas Vere

APPEARANCE: Long, greasy black hair, a dark greyish streak in it, and pale, rough skin, clearly more of a night owl kind of dude. Pretty good looking, in a rough, if he cleaned up and had a bath kind of way, a short scruffy beard and slightly crooked nose and haggard pale grey eyes. He's about 6' 2, and wears worn clothing, that probably was a decent set of traveller's clothing once, but is on the very end of keeping itself together with holes in his cotton-grey vest, frayed brown trousers and falling-apart torn slippers. His grey cloak is the most held together item, looking like it was made from several tough hides and pelts, and warm looking, if smelly smelling. He keeps his expression neutral and suspicious normally, but keeps a strong bearing if talked to, pulling himself to a more proud stance and posture and a slightly haughty tone. Has a large, long-healed set of scars down the left side of his face, crossing his eye which is slightly squinty but still functional.

Laguz Features - A long tail, a lil floofy. Fangish teeth. Large irises like most animals. Fur in areas around his body, mostly his lower arms and legs, slightly feral looking hands. Thankfully his foot fur could just look like a sock or leggings in the little bit visible between shoe and trousers. Wolf ears too on the side.

TRAINEE CLASS: Beast Laguz - Wolf

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: The mountain-spattered woodlands of Travai.

BIOGRAPHY: BIOGRAPHY: Barnabas was raised to be proud of himself. You always have to have pride, even when you're down in the dirt, you need to hold onto something. His tribe, the Vere tribe, wandered the territories of Travai, spreading the word of inner lands and tribes amongst the general region, and spoke with and kept up relations with the homes of the Bird Laguz that lived on the upper levels of the lone mountains, collecting information from the bird tribes and their networks to spread amongst the more localised and cut-off beast tribes that populated the woods.

They were one of several smaller tribes, or basically large families, that had free, or at least recognised with permission, passage through other territories, and would help do business with moving goods from the bird tribes to beast tribes, and dealing/trading with outsiders, either humans or other entities be it Laguz that for some reason lived isolated or so on.

They also have the important responsibility, alongside some of the other small wandering families, of spreading word of danger or threats to the Laguz as a whole, at least on the ground. Obviously bird Laguz are superior for rapid transfer of information, but these families of which Barnabas is part of would be speakers on the ground and assist in any diplomacy or verification. Basically these several large families had the roles of easing relationships and keeping the Laguz, at least the beast Laguz, tribes operating smoothly as neighbours and a larger entity.

Barnabas wasn't so hot at this unfortunately. He was a little too proud from an early age, seeing his family's responsibilities as more important than that of any single stationary tribes duties or respecting and caring for old sites and maintaining old wisdom and ways. He was taught a lesson one day for speaking too out of turn, and wears the scar to this day. The remains of a brutal wound from an enforcer of a tribe of Bear-laguz, a set of scars from a claw tearing past and over his left eye. His family told him to consider himself lucky that the enforcer hadn't gone deeper and taken the eye itself, and that it would remind him to respect his neighbours. Took a while for emotions on that to settle and for him to learn from it.

Anyway, humility achievement unlocked, Barnabas took some time to A. realise who he could and couldn't take in a fight and how not to get wrecked like a fool, that was a big one. And B. Not be a little punk teenage turd, and y'know, actually take on and be worthy of trusting with the responsibility of talking with and getting along with different tribes and people. Unfortunately, still in the process of growing as a person, now a young adult, the world decided to throw a wrench at the process by a bunch of insane humans who thought Laguz apparently couldn't be left to their own devices despite, you know, centuries of them doing okay for themselves thanks very much.

Travai was one of the larger group-lands of Laguz, holding a high number of clans, so maybe that's why they were targeted soon after the fall of the Illyun federation. The Vere tribe suspected it was more a matter of resources, wood and ore. It was a hard duty, the Vere tribe heard the news of the fall of the Illyun federation from the bird tribes first, and so had to spread the word and attempt to call a meeting of families of Travai, to band together and see if this was a fight to buy time, to survive or just so that some could flee.

The final decision was that, the adults and some of the oldest, would remain, to see to it that guerrilla tactics could be used to slow down the desecration of their lands, and to do their best to try and care for and maintain their holy places in secret and with minimal people. The rest, being some other elders and the younger adults, would try to escape and flee to other lands and survive, to carry on knowledge and history and pass it on.

That... Had some mixed results. Barnabas, unfortunately, was part of a splinter group. Two elders, a mother and her two children, and himself. Those that were fleeing had picked out locations in the outer neighboring territories to try to flee to and meet up in, and break apart into smaller, less notable groups. And one night, when Barnabas was returning from hunting, he found that his group had been captured in the interim.

He tracked the party for a while that had captured them, but after nearly getting noticed and attacked himself, he bit back the shame and split off to make his own way, lost and alone for one of the first times in his life, and in never such dire straits. Pride seems hard to keep in these times, as one struggles to avoid notice and scavenge food for silent meals as he hopes that other Laguz have made it to freedom to reunite with one day, yet fears facing the shame of meeting them alone. Either way, he can't see himself lasting much longer alone anyway.

"Don't get me started on Henchmen."

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