Let's Write English... 2!

Let's Write English... 2!
RE: Let's Write English... 2!
Rule 1 -- Adjectivens Always After Nouns
Rule 2 -- Nounsito plur@l like .*[vow@lsound]s .*[vow@lsound]ns nounbicume
Rule 3 -- I after E, except after C.
Rule 4 -- Negativens al't'appropriate usage o'[n't].
Rule 5 -- Tense past tenhobot.
Rule 6 -- Namensito also capit@lized namind.
Rule 7 -- [ck] t'[kk].
Rule 8 -- [n't]ito t'word modifeid n'ttechis.
Rule 9 -- Articl@ns t'[one].
Rule A -- Adjective order thence: purp@se, adjective proper, c@lour, shape, age, size, quality, quantity.
Rule B -- Verbsito ending with [b, k, d, g, t, ch] syll@ble o'word following verbtekes except when finishing sentence before modificat@ns @ther, b@'for [one] instead [on] youswffox tekong care t'repeathn't [o], an'for [and] instead [an].
Rule © -- "The"ito 'st'b'before nouns large used-one. Fo'nounsito small, yo'"Theed" yowse-mustment. Your definit@nito o'large an'small ma'devary.
Rule D -- Wordsito o'syll@blensito single an'fewer than letters four wordtrectIN t'theed word following except i'break obvi@s, theed letter final wordresong, excepting [is] t'['s].
Rule E -- Adverbnsito their verb adfulluw, separated b'dash a'their form noun.
Rule F -- Theed nounito subject main o'on'verb, after pluralization, heve [ito] nounppendedto theed end, theed vowel final i'i'ends i'one nounplecong.
Rule G -- Verbsito except [be] and forms, their predicate verbpustcide. Syll@blito first o'it'actor (or [huh] i'actor unknown) syll@ble first o'verb sylroplece i'verbito 'sthree syllables o'more, sylpricide-other.
Rule H -- Theed endingito [er] o'on'adjective comparative 's-stead [ing]. Theed endingito [est] o'on'adjective superl@tive 's-stead [ed].
Rule I -- Yoito D rule ma'b'youusen't i'emph@sis emphquore.
Rule J -- Vowelito mi'central (schwa) sound with [@] youroplece. Fo'vowelsito unsounded, th'cons@n@nt preceding roplece.

Rule New K -- In verbs subjunctive an'imperative, vowelsito voiced i'th'mouth vowmuve. Spelling t'make i'clear youchenge.

Example: Allerose! Airy sabernsito u'sadally! @sito lauded t'lead allcerre, a'ou'ears allstrake. Morning around, allrilise an't'th's@mmit allmuve, save fo'th'fellows stoutest - u'elloghtin, an's'long.

Messages In This Thread
Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-28-2019, 08:34 PM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-28-2019, 11:05 PM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-28-2019, 11:43 PM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-29-2019, 12:51 PM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-30-2019, 04:26 AM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-30-2019, 09:32 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Kaynato - 10-30-2019, 04:51 PM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-30-2019, 09:22 PM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Kaynato - 10-31-2019, 02:20 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by seedy - 10-31-2019, 04:32 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 10-31-2019, 04:48 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Kaynato - 10-31-2019, 05:39 AM
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RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Kaynato - 11-04-2019, 09:09 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Reecer6 - 11-06-2019, 01:47 AM
RE: Let's Write English... 2! - by Kaynato - 11-06-2019, 07:49 AM