not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-8)
> Select: AXSIS Mind

Welcome to AXSIS Cast 11.5.4!


Level: Ultra-rare
Cost: 1285g
Description: Accesses the thoughts of a target within 60ft of the caster and can implant new ones.

Cast this spell?
> NO

> Select: AXSIS Heart

Welcome to AXSIS Cast 11.5.4!


-AXSIS Heart
Level: Rare
Cost: 511g
Description: Accesses the desires of a target within 30ft of the caster.

Cast this spell?
> NO

> Look out a window

Please purchase and install AXSIS WindowControl from AXSIS Net in order to open and/or close AXSIS Windows installed in your AXSIS DomicileUnit.

> Chat: CrashedBurnt

Conversation initiated between RiskySophism and CrashedBurnt.
0941, 6d5mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.1.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.2.

[RS] hey, makani.
[RS] are you around?
[CB] No you have reached Makani's answering machine please leave a message after the tone.
[CB] Tone.
[RS] i, uh...
[RS] an answering machine?
[RS] um. sorry. i guess i'll try again later?
[CB] No no don't worry Desta.
[CB] I'm just messing what's up question mark.
[RS] oh.
[RS] i was just wondering if you'd heard from fiametta.
[CB] Not since yesterday she messaged me in the middle of the day.
[CB] She was worried about her birthday dinner.
[CB] I haven't talked to her yet today but then she also isn't normally up this early.
[RS] oh, um... well...
[RS] here.
RiskySophism has forwarded a link: "Missing Citizens Report: 6d5mo"
[CB] Wait.
[CB] Fiametta's on here.
[CB] Fiametta's on here Desta what's going on.
[RS] from the sounds of it, she left her birthday dinner, and then disappeared.
[RS] i thought she might have at least contacted you.
[CB] No she probably shut her AXSIS off ASAP so she couldn't be tracked.
[CB] Smart move but it doesn't help us.
[RS] hrm.
[RS] well... if she does contact anyone, i expect it'd be you.
[CB] Maybe maybe not.
[RS] what do you mean?
[CB] She always got on really well with our teacher Ms. K.
[CB] Maybe she saw her I can ask.
[RS] okay. is there anyone else she might have gotten in touch with?
[CB] I don't know.
[CB] Maybe some other friend or someone who might have had a connection to her.
[RS] i'll see if i can find anything out.
[CB] Okay I'll keep you posted.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-8) - by NonAnalogue - 10-08-2019, 09:34 PM