Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END

Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END
RE: Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END
Can we have Barold be multiple advisors?
[X] aging mages
- [X] Barold

[X] Luck charm
- [X] Use  it on the patrol I guess.

[X] to create
- [X] in the prep room

[X] Patrol
- [X] Barold
- [X] location 3

Messages In This Thread
RE: Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END - by Smurfton - 10-04-2019, 03:00 PM