not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-2)
> AXSIS News: "Fortunata, Cosmo"

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.4!

v "Missing Citizens Report: 6d5mo"

v "Fortunata, Cosmo, 5d5mo, Plaza Promenada"

Name: Fortunata, Cosmo
Age: 17 yrs
Sex: M
Birthday: 5d5mo
Last seen: Plaza Promenada, Vezretti, Vandrio
Aliases: Fiametta, WitchesBlue

Image: Image description: A picture of a teenager with a sullen expression

Notes: According to parents, Cosmo left a family dinner at the restaurant A Better Place on Corso Abategiovanni after an altercation with several family members. Cosmo was later seen in AXSIS Security-recorded footage entering his home on Plaza Promenada and leaving a few minutes later with a bag.

Cosmo's location is unknown. His AXSIS device was shut off, disabling standard-issue AXSIS LocationTrackers. Welfare checks were conducted with known associates of Cosmo and confirmed that Cosmo was not with them.

> AXSIS News: "The Suburbs"

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.4!

v "AXSIS Net Game 'The Suburbs' Fails To Meet Expectations, Crashes AXSIS Devices On Launch"

After being hyped up for its entire beta release period, AXSIS net game "The Suburbs" has landed - with a resounding thud.

Unlike the surprisingly tightly-programmed beta version, the full release of "The Suburbs" was plagued with numerous bugs that caused a complete crash of the AXSIS device used to run it, with some consumers reporting that their device was then unable to be booted again.

These bugs are, according to AXSIS Net data mapping, widespread, and authorities are warning consumers that, if they have downloaded "The Suburbs", they should uninstall it as soon as possible. Authorities also reminded consumers that, as AXSIS IdentiCard is the only valid government-recognized form of identification in the vast majority of regions worldwide, if their AXSIS device was rendered inoperable, they should purchase a new one as soon as possible.

SuburbanSpawl, developer of "The Suburbs", has maintained radio silence since the release of their game and has been unable to be reached for comment.

> Open: AXSIS Cast - Spell Index

Welcome to AXSIS Cast 11.5.4!



Cast spells to unlock new, rarer magic!
Or, purchase a random new spell in the SPELL SHOP!
Select spell for more details.

* - Common
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*** - Rare
**** - Ultra-rare
***** - Master

-AXSIS Breeze *
-AXSIS Chill **
-AXSIS Ember *
-AXSIS Frost *
-AXSIS Growth *
-AXSIS Heart ***
-AXSIS Hush *
-AXSIS Mind ****
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-AXSIS Wild **

> Open: saved logs (WitchesBlue)

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between RiskySophism and WitchesBlue...
WitchesBlue is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

1715, 4d5mo
[WB] hey desta
[WB] hows it goin
[RS] oh, wb. hi.
[RS] um. good. i guess.
[RS] why do you ask?
[WB] i just saw the posts you made on weblog
[WB] and uh
[WB] they didn't sound
[WB] very great
[RS] shoot, i forgot those show up to everybody on the trusted list.
[RS] sorry, those were super personal.
[RS] you don't need to worry about them.
[WB] i mean
[WB] just because i dont gotta worry about them
[WB] doesnt mean im not worried anyway
[WB] i get bein depressed
[WB] its sorta my natural state of bein
[WB] wake up in the morning and the depression center of my brain cracks its knuckles and says
[WB] lets get down to business
[WB] see thats a pun
[WB] like
[WB] gettin down
[WB] like feelin down
[WB] cause of the depression
[RS] you really will just keep talking forever, huh.
[WB] yeah sorry
[WB] bad habit
[WB] for real though
[WB] if you ever need to vent or whatever
[WB] im more than happy to listen
[WB] ive never been in your exact spot
[WB] but even so
[WB] maybe i can still help
[WB] i dunno
[WB] im just throwin stuff against the wall right now
[WB] seein what sticks
[RS] well...
[RS] thanks. i appreciate hearing that.
[RS] it's hard for me to talk to people sometimes.
[RS] i always feel like everyone's going to shout me down no matter what i say.
[RS] i can't ever tell how people are actually feeling.
[RS] especially in text. so i just don't say things.
[RS] and then i just scream into the void of weblog, and then i feel better.
[WB] really
[RS] well, not 'better'. maybe 'less bad.'
[RS] maybe 'less bad for the moment.'
[WB] ah gotcha
[RS] but the way i see it is that if i just shove every bad feeling down, eventually i can forget about it.
[WB] i
[WB] uh
[WB] i dont think it works that way
[RS] hey, don't ruin my dreams here.
[WB] hah
[WB] was that an actual honest to goodness joke
[WB] comin outta the mouth of desta
[WB] well not mouth
[WB] axsis touchscreen
[RS] i make jokes sometimes!
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] go on then
[WB] tell me another
[RS] um. well...
[RS] 191 citizens walk into an axsis-approved drinking station.
[RS] the bartender says, "i'll happily serve you, citizens."
[RS] so the 191 citizens say, "thank you," and sit down.
[WB] desta
[WB] i want you to be real with me
[WB] did you message axsis
[WB] ask them for a joke
[WB] and then tell me the exact same non joke they told you
[RS] i don't have to answer that.
[WB] i cant decide if thats gutsy or cheap
[WB] desta
[WB] are you still there
[WB] im not out here tryin to murder you with words or anything
[RS] no, no, i'm still here. it's just, i wanted to say something and i couldn't find the words.
[WB] oh
[WB] sorry
[RS] i wanted to tell you that i appreciated you talking to me today.
[RS] it's been a bad day, and you made me laugh some.
[RS] so, thank you.
[WB] youre welcome
[WB] like i said
[WB] i get it
[RS] i wouldn't mind talking again at some point, but for now i have to go.
[RS] dinner time
[WB] oh shit
[WB] youre right
[WB] when did it get so late
[RS] next axsis headline:
[RS] passage of time confuses and angers local fiametta.
[WB] fuck
[WB] now even destas clownin on me
[RS] i think you'll find i clown with the best of them.
[WB] the best of who
[WB] the other clowns
[WB] oh snap gottem
[RS] ouch. i walked right into that.
[RS] but for real, since we're sitting at one to one now, i really need to go eat.
[WB] awful brave of you to assume were tied
[WB] but yeah go eat
[RS] talk to you later!
[WB] see ya

1611, 3d5mo
[WB] hey desta
[WB] how's it goin
[RS] wb? what's up?
[WB] huh
[WB] wouldnta pegged you as someone who used screen names instead of actual names
[RS] oh. sorry. it's just, your first name is super long.
[RS] and when i try to abbreviate it with your last name, i just get ff.
[RS] which sounds like i'm starting to cuss you out.
[WB] to be fair
[WB] i wouldnt mind in the slightest if you messaged me just to cuss me out
[WB] that shit would be hysterical
[WB] all like
[RS] wb. please.
[WB] 'conversation initiated between rs and wb'
[WB] 'oh hey whats up'
[RS] fiametta.
[WB] 'you know what's up you freaker'
[WB] wow
[WB] even in this absurd hypothetical informed mostly by my perception of you from what your brother told me i cant imagine you cussing
[WB] truly desta you are the purest of the pure
[RS] i most certainly am not.
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] sure
[WB] then you wont mind lettin loose with the filthiest obscenities you can imagine
[WB] right now
[RS] i don't have to prove myself to you.
[RS] look, did you message me for a reason, or did you just want to taunt me?
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] good call on redirectin me
[WB] otherwise ill keep going like this
[WB] a hole with no fuckin bottom thats for sure
[WB] okay so if you couldnt tell from how i keep dancin around the point here
[WB] this is kinda hard to ask
[WB] but did your brother ghost me or something
[WB] he hasn't responded to any of my messages for a long time
[WB] not since he told me that he had some big plans for 2d19mo
[RS] oh. um.
[RS] i.
[RS] i sort of.
[RS] i can't talk about that.
[RS] there was a big problem that day when we.
[RS] i mean when he.
[RS] when he, uh.
[RS] i just can't talk about it.
[RS] it attracted a lot of attention, and the news people were everywhere, and.
[RS] i mean.
[RS] sorry.
[WB] um
[WB] okay i guess
[WB] sorry for prying

1203, 6d16mo
[WB] hey is this dgs sister
[WB] he talks about you all the time and you sound like a pretty cool person
[WB] so i thought id say hi
[RS] dgs...? oh, oh, you're saying dg's.
[RS] yeah, kojo's my brother.
[RS] who's this?
[WB] oh uh my name is fiametta
[RS] fiametta. ok. he talks about you sometimes.
[WB] really
[RS] only good things, and facts.
[WB] good i guess
[RS] my name is desta. nice to meet you.
[WB] nice to meet you too

End of saved logs for WitchesBlue.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-2) - by NonAnalogue - 10-02-2019, 07:12 PM