not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 9-12)
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POST: Re: Re: Nobody can solve this math problem!
AUTHOR: TimesTabled
CONTENT: [click to view previous posts in this thread]
I'm afraid you've got my motivations wrong - I'm not trying to lecture anyone. As my students could tell you, if I were trying to lecture you, you'd know, haha! I simply don't like seeing misinformation, especially concerning a special interest of mine, being perpetuated.

POST: Re: Nobody can solve this math problem!
AUTHOR: TimesTabled
CONTENT: [click to view previous posts in this thread]
So the problem is two-fold: first, order of operations as most people are taught it is a lie, and second, the original problem is written very ambiguously.

Let’s drill down into that first point.

Brackets, powers, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Everyone’s taught to do operations in that order! Except that’s not really right. As a math teacher of mine put it, “it works for now, but you’ll find out I was lying in a few years.”
The problem is that multiplication and division are the same operation, and addition and subtraction are also the same operation. Division is really just multiplying by a fraction, and subtraction is just adding a negative. With that in mind, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to do some multiplication arbitrarily early in the problem before the rest! As a result, here’s the bottom line for that point:

Both answers are right.

How can that be?

Well, that brings me to the second point: the expression is written very ambiguously, so as to maximize confusion! It’s also why I don’t like using the division symbol when a fraction will do just nicely.

Observe two other ways we could write this expression:

Embedded image description: A mathematical expression

Embedded image description: A mathematical expression

The first one resolves to the first answer, and the second resolves to the second. Both are right, only because the original expression is vague.

The sad thing is that everyone hates fractions, when actually they make life so much nicer!

POST: Re: Sienna's motivations?
AUTHOR: CrashedBurnt
CONTENT: [click to view previous posts in this thread]
Look RS it's useless to try and speculate on this point. The game is nothing more than a naked propaganda tool put out by the Church and AXSIS. Any deeper meanings into motivations or anything like that are going to be worthless since I would bet money the developers didn't care that much about character development. Even if the writing itself is good it doesn't mean much since the story can't back it up.

POST: Check out the AXSIS Net Application Store!
CONTENT: Check out the AXSIS Net Application Store for more cool applications like this one! Have you considered downloading
AXSIS Sketchpad
AXSIS Calculator

POST: Sienna's motivations?
AUTHOR: RiskySophism
CONTENT: so clearly you're meant to root for the main character in take ten. the game goes out of its way to make sienna look really good, especially compared to all the other people in the story. but her motivations seem kinda... not good? to me. like, there's the murders. that's kind of a big deal. and there's a lot of them. and the whole thing being motivated by her attention seeking behavior and her being unable to take a loss is like...

i don't know. she seems like she could have easily been a villain, i guess. anyone else have any thoughts on her?

> AXSIS News: "What little we know..."

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.3!

v "What very little we know about SuburbanSprawl, the developer of The Suburbs"
After The Suburbs came out of nowhere to firmly plant itself in the list of most-downloaded games on AXSIS Net, all eyes turned to its developer, SuburbanSprawl, for answers on the game's scope, its meaning, and its long-term plans.

Unfortunately, SuburbanSprawl proved difficult to locate, with their age, their gender, and even their name staying hidden from public view. The only known contact anyone has had with SuburbanSprawl has been through the game's discussion forum on AXSIS Net, where the reclusive dev occasionally posts patch notes.

An AXSIS TextAnalyser analysis of SuburbanSprawl's posts on AXSIS Net indicated that the user could potentially have been one of two people: either Gnarles Ruffley, a 24-year-old Erdric native, or Ramira Lott, a 72-year-old Ginde native. Unfortunately, both Ruffley and Lott had died within the past three months due to lightning-related incidents. Nevertheless, SuburbanSprawl continues their work on the game.

Perhaps more information about SuburbanSprawl will come to light when The Suburbs finally leaves beta and formally releases, but based on their behavior up to this point, it seems unlikely.

> Chat: RiskySophism

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and RiskySophism.
1715, 4d5mo

[WB] hey desta
[WB] hows it goin
[RS] oh, wb. hi.
[RS] um. good. i guess.
[RS] why do you ask?
[WB] i just saw the posts you made on weblog
[WB] and uh
[WB] they didn't sound
[WB] very great
[RS] shoot, i forgot those show up to everybody on the trusted list.
[RS] sorry, those were super personal.
[RS] you don't need to worry about them.
[WB] i mean
[WB] just because i dont gotta worry about them
[WB] doesnt mean im not worried anyway
[WB] i get bein depressed
[WB] its sorta my natural state of bein
[WB] wake up in the morning and the depression center of my brain cracks its knuckles and says
[WB] lets get down to business
[WB] see thats a pun
[WB] like
[WB] gettin down
[WB] like feelin down
[WB] cause of the depression
[RS] you really will just keep talking forever, huh.
[WB] yeah sorry
[WB] bad habit
[WB] for real though
[WB] if you ever need to vent or whatever
[WB] im more than happy to listen
[WB] ive never been in your exact spot
[WB] but even so
[WB] maybe i can still help
[WB] i dunno
[WB] im just throwin stuff against the wall right now
[WB] seein what sticks
[RS] well...
[RS] thanks. i appreciate hearing that.
[RS] it's hard for me to talk to people sometimes.
[RS] i always feel like everyone's going to shout me down no matter what i say.
[RS] i can't ever tell how people are actually feeling.
[RS] especially in text. so i just don't say things.
[RS] and then i just scream into the void of weblog, and then i feel better.
[WB] really
[RS] well, not 'better'. maybe 'less bad.'
[RS] maybe 'less bad for the moment.'
[WB] ah gotcha
[RS] but the way i see it is that if i just shove every bad feeling down, eventually i can forget about it.
[WB] i
[WB] uh
[WB] i dont think it works that way
[RS] hey, don't ruin my dreams here.
[WB] hah
[WB] was that an actual honest to goodness joke
[WB] comin outta the mouth of desta
[WB] well not mouth
[WB] axsis touchscreen
[RS] i make jokes sometimes!
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] go on then
[WB] tell me another
[RS] um. well...
[RS] 191 citizens walk into an axsis-approved drinking station.
[RS] the bartender says, "i'll happily serve you, citizens."
[RS] so the 191 citizens say, "thank you," and sit down.
[WB] desta
[WB] i want you to be real with me
[WB] did you message axsis
[WB] ask them for a joke
[WB] and then tell me the exact same non joke they told you
[RS] i don't have to answer that.
[WB] i cant decide if thats gutsy or cheap
[WB] desta
[WB] are you still there
[WB] im not out here tryin to murder you with words or anything
[RS] no, no, i'm still here. it's just, i wanted to say something and i couldn't find the words.
[WB] oh
[WB] sorry
[RS] i wanted to tell you that i appreciated you talking to me today.
[RS] it's been a bad day, and you made me laugh some.
[RS] so, thank you.
[WB] youre welcome
[WB] like i said
[WB] i get it
[RS] i wouldn't mind talking again at some point, but for now i have to go.
[RS] dinner time
[WB] oh shit
[WB] youre right
[WB] when did it get so late
[RS] next axsis headline:
[RS] passage of time confuses and angers local fiametta.
[WB] fuck
[WB] now even destas clownin on me
[RS] i think you'll find i clown with the best of them.
[WB] the best of who
[WB] the other clowns
[WB] oh snap gottem
[RS] ouch. i walked right into that.
[RS] but for real, since we're sitting at one to one now, i really need to go eat.
[WB] awful brave of you to assume were tied
[WB] but yeah go eat
[RS] talk to you later!
[WB] see ya
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 9-12) - by NonAnalogue - 09-12-2019, 08:28 PM