Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END

Death, Taxes, and Cookies: to Rule an Underworld - INTERMISSION 2 END
RE: Death, Taxes, and Cookes: to Rule an Underworld - 01: the beginning of the end
None of the options are mutualy exclusive and it's not liek character seems to be on any sort of schedule so
[X] Ruminate. I can't remember the events of my death, but maybe I can remember something else that could give a clue to this situation. It doesn't feel like it's been a long time since I was... well, alive.
[X] Explore. I gave this weird little cave a once-over, but maybe a closer inspection of the various surfaces will reveal something helpful - like a trapdoor. Or a message. Or a sugar cookie. (The latter would helpful in its' own way.)
[X] Experiment. I have this.. skull wand thing. I know wizards use something like this to cast spells, but I'm no wizard, and I don't recall hearing about ghosts doing the same. Maybe I should give it a few swings.

in order.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Death, Taxes, and Cookes: to Rule an Underworld - 01: the beginning of the end - by smuchmuch - 09-02-2019, 10:44 AM