500 Post Line

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500 Post Line
500 Post Line
Here's all of my landmark posts, one for each 500th post I've made:

(09-20-2015, 12:13 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »Let's be honest: Summer has ended. It is time for Autumn. That means shades are a no go for rose lalonde over there. But why just default back to that rose when I can have something new! 

Any suggestions? Post them below, and I will try them on for at least a day*, until I find one that really suits** me.

*If there are too many this will be reduced to minutes, or seconds.
**Nothing suits me like a suit***.

***I am lying.

(03-16-2016, 09:47 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Meloncholy W-what about me?

EDIT: This was my 1000th post.

[Image: RdZZnCH.gif]

(04-27-2016, 01:23 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »Leave behind steamy Pokemon fanfiction.

Like the R stuff.

(06-03-2016, 03:08 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »fuck, haha I said fuck u lol (c is the next letter)

(08-02-2016, 03:47 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »The cat is rich, they did a commission with bucks-money-cash! The artist old lady has to make a living...

(09-03-2016, 01:59 AM)Reyweld Wrote: » EATS 12 PILLS CONSECUTIVELY

1(M). Tastes likes Empty.
2(T). Tastes likes Easy on the Mayonnaise.
3(W). You found drugs and you ate them!
4(T). Tastes like Side Effects! Tastes like PHD and Magnet!
5(S2). Tastes like Red Pill.
6(S). Tastes like side effects! Tastes like Side effects! Tastes like Crimson! Seasoning (x1)! Tastes like Pill Bug! Crunch!
7(M2). Tastes like addictive! You uncontrollably eat another pill!
8(T2). Tastes like Multivitamins!
9(F). Tastes like Multivitamins!
10(T2). Tastes like magnet. The magnets fly together! You have died! You survived somehow...
11(W2). Tastes like Placebo! Tastes like magnet. The magnets fly together! The magnets fly together! You have died! You have died! You survived somehow... You survived somehow...
12(F2). Tastes like Placebo! Tastes like magnet. The magnets fly together! The magnets fly together!  The magnets fly together!  You have died!  You have died!  You have died! You survived somehow... You survived somehow... FINALLY RIP IN PIP!

has died.



Wheat pulls the Slot Machine

The result: SLOT, SLOT, PILLS.

(11-13-2016, 06:54 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ~ ~ o m . . m . m . . -
- ~ m m , , m @ . . . . =
- ~ m . , , @ m . . m m - - - - -
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- o # . . m @ . . . @ . @ @ D . -
- @ m m . m . . m . . . - . π . -
- i - - - - - - - - m - - o . o -
- i d d . . - . ` ` ` - - = - - -
- d s . . . = . ` . . -
- - - - - - - . ` ` ` -
? ? ? ? ? ? - . . . ` =
? ? ? ? ? ? - . . . ` -
? ? ? ? ? ? - . □ . ` -
? ? ? ? ? ? - . @ S ` -
? ? ? ? ? ? - - - - - -

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Logitech grabs the mace and glowing key. They feel like using the key in the air in front of them would open an unseen door. Logitech moves towards the Nya (and doesn't move through the noxious cloud).

Jack moves into the Nya room, taking a pillow and reading the pamphlet.

Nya Pamphlet:
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Pacrin Ob offers Logitech some healing for a price (30 gold, which is accepted). The exchange is made. Logitech feels restored. Pacrin attempts to move towards the human statue, but instead stumbles and falls, taking 1 damage.

Quinsy tries to open the chest and succeeds, revealing 98 gold, a glowing dagger, and 2 unknown potions. The chest glows. The human statue glows and comes to life!

Ushy tries to use Cloud and fails. Ushy feels weakened...

Feefs learns all the spells! Feefs casts heal on themselves.

Plaq moves into the Nya room.

Aaron will's their mount to fight, and it kicks the imp twice, killing it! It's body disappears. Aaron feels more experienced. Your lance reappears! Your mount and full plate disappear...

Vuarna learns all the spells! Vuarna stays close to Pacrin, the pair forming an alliance.

Everyone in / near the Nya room (Vuarna, Pacrin, Logitech, Jack, Plaq) feels as if they could announce their faith and join the religion. No one else is currently close enough to the alter...

An imp advances, clawing Aaron for 2 damage!

A lesser moon demon calls down moonlight, blasting Aaron for 2 damage!

The crawling moss hits the archer fish, killing it! Everyone feels a little more experienced. The crawling moss hits the imp, injuring it! Some crawling mosses move around, others do nothing.

The living statue advances. Quinsy is filled with dread.

The Nya Devout's nose wrinkles in their sleep.


(03-27-2017, 07:22 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »going to delete this

(08-05-2017, 08:46 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Mie winz ardama jed. Annie udders ojest ons?

(02-05-2018, 02:44 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »Blargh.

(07-11-2018, 12:27 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>eat a Tylenol to numb the pain

(11-20-2018, 03:48 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Actually screw it, I'll switch to a full player. Live life on the edge!

(08-31-2019, 09:07 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »robust laser
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Messages In This Thread
500 Post Line - by Reyweld - 09-01-2019, 12:37 AM
RE: 500 Post Line - by Robust Laser - 09-01-2019, 09:18 AM