Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Clover: " this business? You still haven't explained what we're even doing here, old man."

[Image: RM94Ygs.png]

CLOVER: Dude, I’m THIS close to walkin’ back home, don’t worry.
CLOVER: Talk to the French guy, he’s the one who dragged us all here for some reason.
AUBIN: I have been trying to start a dialogue, as you may have noticed.
EFFY: Oh! Um, well, didn’t this all start because we were talking about...

> effy: whatever you do make sure you DONT mention selena

[Image: 5UNompH.png]

EFFY: Um! Never mind!
EFFY: Mr. Beauregard! Y-You should go ahead and explain everything to, um...

[Image: 11dhd5P.gif]

EFFY: W-What’s your name??
KAPHLAR: You know what? If you tell me what the HELL you’re all setting me up for, I might actually answer that!
EFFY: Um, no! I mean, we’re not...!
AUBIN: Excuse me -

[Image: zoppdQ9.png]

AUBIN: As I have said multiple times, I am, in fact, quite eager to talk, if you would allow me.
KAPHLAR: I DO know you, don’t I? Almost couldn’t tell, you know. Really let yourself go, old man.
KAPHLAR: And BEAU? Now that’s just wishful thinking.
AUBIN: Beauregard, first name Aubin.
KAPHLAR: Uh-huh.
AUBIN: Although I’m not certain why the name irks you so much... Kaphlar, is it?
KAPHLAR: And just where’d you hear that name from?
AUBIN: You are sharp enough to deduce that, I hope.

[Image: ONSf0B3.png]

CARLA: S-Sir?! What are you... What about the guests??
KAPHLAR: Let them in, give the kids some juice, whatever!
KAPHLAR: Everybody’s getting the hell out as soon as I find her!
EFFY: But... But why...?

> SELENA: Deliver the promised nose flick.

[Image: 8g8rXMk.gif]




Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 08-12-2019, 08:17 PM