RE: Spheres of Influence: Alliance
07-17-2019, 11:56 PM
Rykarth abstained from voting on the research pact. He made a point of speaking up. "I am disappointed that mandatory support for smaller powers was dropped. Many of the smaller states of the Alliance could have to pay a substantial amount of money just send researchers to receive the benefits, whereas larger nations will expend a substantially smaller fraction of their total budget, and I predict that most will likely end up following Kalduhr's lead and simply taking whatever technology is offered without contributing their own resources to collective research. Still, a flawed pact is better than no pact at all, so I will not vote against it. Since it is clear it has no chance of failing to pass, this is merely protest."
Forgent, Bulwar, Elblet, Des-Accor, Ecrithur, Gundarth, Margunkyn, Themaran, Khuln Darihm, Khuln Kalderak and Khuln Garuhm all voted aye. Support seemed pretty unanimous among the rest of the minor powers, though Margunkyn and Themaran voiced agreement with Rykarth's concerns in spite of their aye votes.
Forgent, Bulwar, Elblet, Des-Accor, Ecrithur, Gundarth, Margunkyn, Themaran, Khuln Darihm, Khuln Kalderak and Khuln Garuhm all voted aye. Support seemed pretty unanimous among the rest of the minor powers, though Margunkyn and Themaran voiced agreement with Rykarth's concerns in spite of their aye votes.