not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 7-5)
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Founded by Nessa Sly on 12d2mo2074y, AXSIS began as a humble software company. Thanks to Sly's leadership, AXSIS quickly became the dominant software provider to the world in less than two years; shortly thereafter, AXSIS branched out into hardware, with their first product being the original AXSIS handheld computing device.

Originally located on South Dola Island, the company's headquarters moved to Vezretti in Vandrio after it became clear that they would need more space. As AXSIS grew, it acquired many other companies and expanded until, in no small part due to its convenient and easy-to-use products, it became the de facto computing resource throughout the world.

After governments the world over understood how helpful AXSIS and its products were, they all voluntarily handed control to AXSIS' board of directors, headed by Nessa Sly, during a single week later known and celebrated as the AXSIS ConvenienceWeek. Following the approval of the Goddess of Shadow, AXSIS also acquired the Church, including the Cathedral of Shadow in Vezretti.

Only one region in the entirety of the world has no AXSIS presence: Momotto, in Merset.

Sly, Nessa
Current AXSIS Board of Directors
Church, The
AXSIS ConvenienceWeek

> Chat: TimesTabled

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and TimesTabled.
1129, 4d5mo

[WB] good morning maam
[TT] Good morning, Fiametta! How're you?
[WB] uh
[WB] worried i guess
[TT] Oh dear, what's going on?
[WB] well
[WB] its like this
[WB] tomorrows my birthday
[TT] Happy early birthday!
[WB] thanks
[WB] my parents are takin me out to dinner
[WB] and i found out its gonna be this big deal
[WB] like a bunch of my familys gonna be there
[WB] and none of them know about me
[WB] like
[WB] about me about me
[WB] you know what i mean
[TT] Yes, I follow.
[WB] and like
[WB] it was already gonna be bad
[WB] since im gonna have to dress up
[WB] and everyones gonna call me handsome and darlin son and all that
[WB] but now theres gonna be way more people
[WB] includin my cousins who are both girls
[WB] like nobody thinks theyre guys i mean
[WB] and my dad likes that im a guy
[WB] or rather that he thinks im a guy
[WB] since he was worried hed get a daughter too when both of my cousins were girls
[WB] and its just gonna be sad and uncomfortable the entire time
[WB] and i dont wanna do it
[WB] but i gotta
[TT] Why is that? Why do you have to, I mean?
[WB] i mean
[WB] my parents planned this whole thing
[WB] as a surprise
[WB] and its only cause my cousin cant keep a secret that i know
[WB] and you cant talk my mom outta anything
[WB] and if i have to explain why its gonna be bad news
[TT] Hm. I see.
[TT] First, let me say that I'm sorry you're in this position. It's not something I have a lot of experience with personally, but I have a few ideas, if you'd like to hear them.
[TT] If you just want to vent, I understand that too.
[WB] nah
[WB] hit me with what you got
[WB] maam
[TT] All right. So the way I see it, you have three options.
[TT] First, you can go to the dinner. Grin and bear it. It may not be pleasant, but it's only one evening.
[WB] okay
[WB] bein upfront im not super wild about this plan
[TT] I didn't think you would be, which is why I put it first so we could get it behind us.
[WB] smart
[TT] I thought so. Now, option two is that you disappear for the evening. Go find a friend to spend some time with. Maybe Makani - I'm sure the two of you could find something to do for an evening that wouldn't put you near a restaurant. Then, when the night is over, you go back home and make up an excuse about how you lost track of time or something.
[WB] hmmm
[WB] that ones more promisin but i bet my mom would call the agents or something when she couldnt find me
[WB] plus then shed probably reschedule the dinner anyway
[TT] True. Which brings us to option the third:
[TT] Come out of the closet.
[TT] To your whole family.
[WB] whoa okay thats not happenin
[TT] Why not?
[WB] id be murdered in the middle of a fine dinin establishment
[WB] everyone knows youre not supposed to cause a scene in the middle of a fine dinin establishment
[WB] but nonetheless im pretty sure my dad would straight up knock my head clean off my shoulders in the middle of a fine dinin establishment
[TT] Are you sure?
[WB] well no
[WB] its not like i have experience with this
[WB] but my dad gets
[WB] angry
[WB] and on top of that my mom would get all emotional
[WB] and shed be disappointed in me
[WB] not to mention the rest of my family
[TT] Well, consider this:
[TT] Being in the middle of a 'fine dining establishment' might actually help - it could temper some of their reactions.
[TT] Regardless, it's ultimately up to you.
[TT] I've heard some people prefer to come out via letters and the like, but of course that won't help you for tomorrow.
[WB] im just
[WB] scared
[WB] what if i come out and they kick me out
[WB] id be homeless
[WB] with nothin
[TT] It breaks my heart to hear that that's even a possibility, Fiametta.
[TT] I want you to know this.
[TT] If anything happens, you can consider my home a sanctuary.
[TT] I can always make up the guest room for however long you need a roof.
[TT] Fiametta? Are you there?
[WB] yes
[WB] that just
[WB] caught me off guard
[WB] thanks ms k
[TT] You're welcome.
[WB] i think im gonna go
[WB] got some stuff to think over.
[TT] Of course. Let me know if you need anything.
[WB] ok
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 7-5) - by NonAnalogue - 07-11-2019, 03:55 PM