Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)

Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands)
Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of activity during June 2019, I was caught in a whirlwind of stuff that happened. Holes appeared in my roof after several rainstorms, a snake got into my house, got busy with my comic series and had to prepare some promotional material for a comic convention over in Malaysia. Everything's a bit settled now, so I'm going to work on updating Refugeville sometime this week.

Oh, and I'll keep looking for the missing stuff!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mayuventure talk thread (Art of Domination, Refugeville, From The Sands) - by Mayu_Zane - 07-01-2019, 02:59 PM