Dungeonquest - In which a spooky skeleton appears

Dungeonquest - In which a spooky skeleton appears
RE: Dungeonquest - In which i dont post in hawkspace this time
Numbers Wrote:Unobtainium? No no no, it's Phlebotinum. Look at that Plot Armor sheen it gets when any of you approach it.
You're not quite sure how one would make a sword out of Phlebotinium, as its more of a liquid metal, like mercury, but judging by the description you were given, its likely that its either made of Wishalloy or Handwavi-
Towde: "Pyrre, you're thinking out loud again."
Pyrre: "Oh uh, sorry."
Geez, cant even ponder about fictional metals and alloys in peace.
CherryPetrichor Wrote:>Make a potion
You quickly take out 1 Empty potion bottle and 1 Handfull of crushed pixie dust and mix it with some water.
You have made a Magick potion! Magick, of course, being the closest equivalent to mana in this world.
You quickly jot this down in your Notes.
Brandr seems to be done with packing things up.
Brandr: "Alright everyone, all set!"
Towde: "Lets hope we don't die inside this dungeon."

As you three enter a large chamber, one of the coffins in the room bursts open, and a skeleton engages in combat with all three of you.
Maybe you should Search your inventory for something useful or cast a spell, or throw a magick potion in their face.
Local pidgeonmancer

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dungeonquest - In which i dont post in hawkspace this time - by ProbablyNotRed - 06-30-2019, 09:58 PM