Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Effy: Wait, is he rich? Does that mean he has his own pool? Or a trampoline?! Can we use the trampoline?

[Image: Fzc1b4L.png]

EFFY: So... So, if your brother lives in a mansion...
SELENA: Mmhmm?
EFFY: Does he have a pool? Or a trampoline? A pool AND a trampoline?!
SELENA: Oh, he’s got an indoor pool, yeah. And a hot tub. If he has a trampoline, I haven’t seen it.
SELENA: Between you and me though, don’t get your hopes up. He can be kind of a buzzkill.
SELENA: Anyway, be right back! Don’t mention me, okay~?
EFFY: ... Huh??

[Image: f8qXANo.png]

Ah, home sweet ostentatious home.

Say, why are the gates open? You didn’t have a party lined up for today.

... Why are some kids and an old man at the door?!

[Image: p40NaWA.png]

KAPHLAR: Hey, sweetheart. The hell’s going on?
CATHY: Oh, welcome back, sir! You see, Mr. Beauregard here says he’s an old friend of yours, and...
KAPHLAR: Nope, never seen him in my life.
AUBIN: I understand why you would assume so, but if you would give me a few minutes--
KAPHLAR: Nah. Hey, sweetie, we’re still good for tonight, right?
CATHY: Oh, yeah, sure!
KAPHLAR: Aaawesome. So, if you people wouldn’t mind leaving me alone with sweet Cathy here--
CATHY: ...

[Image: yts5F8Q.png]

CATHY: That’s... not my name...?
CATHY??: Honey? Do you know my name??
KAPHLAR: Haha, whaaat? I’m just messing around...

[Image: mLUU473.gif]

KAPHLAR: Carla, honeybuns!
CARLA: Aww! You’re such a kidder, sir!
CLOVER: Fuck, dude, I’ve already got three different questions I ain’t sure I actually want the answer to.
KAPHLAR: Oooh, nooo, some kid is judging me or whatever.
KAPHLAR: Anyway, like I was saying, my place isn’t exactly what I’d call child-friendly and, uh, I don’t take any random old dudes in unless they wanna talk business, so either make your case and make it snappy or, you know...
KAPHLAR: Get out?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 06-27-2019, 11:46 PM