not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 6-21)
> Select: AXSIS Hush

Welcome to AXSIS Cast 11.4.6!


Level: Common
Cost: 0.3g
Description: Dampens noise in a 30ft radius around the caster. The dampening effect is only obvious to the caster; any others in the radius hear noise at its unaltered volume.

Cast this spell?
> NO


Conversation initiated between FORTUNATA, COSMO and TRAVERSA, ELETTRA.
0945, 4d5mo
TRAVERSA, ELETTRA is not a trusted contact. AXSIS Chat will not display usernames or preferred names.

[COS] good mornin elettra
[ELE] Hiya Cosmo!! How's it going??
[COS] uh good i guess
[COS] howre you and grampa manfredo
[ELE] We're great!! I mean, I am. Grandpa takes a while to get around.
[ELE] So he's working up to great. But he'll get there!!
[COS] thats good
[ELE] I'm super stoked to see you tomorrow!! It's been ages!!
[COS] what
[COS] oh are you gonna be at the dinner moms organizin
[ELE] Oh no. Oh no!!
[ELE] I didn't know you didn't know!!
[ELE] Aw, I shouldn't have blabbed!!
[ELE] Aunt Diamanta is going to be angry!!
[COS] im sure shell be fine
[ELE] Well......
[ELE] If you say so.
[ELE] Are you excited for your birthday??
[ELE] 17's a big year!!
[ELE] I know because I remember being 17 and it was a big year for me!!
[COS] i guess
[COS] feels like any other year to me
[COS] hey did mom say if anyone else was coming
[ELE] Hm......
[ELE] I don't know if I should say!!
[COS] well you already told me that you were gonna be there
[COS] so im guessin grampa manfredo is goin too
[COS] and if it helps i wont tell mom
[ELE] Okay!!
[ELE] You're right. Grandpa is coming. I also heard that Uncle Safiro and Fria are coming too.
[ELE] So all of us cousins will be there!!
[ELE] It'll be the first time in a long time we'll all be in the same place!!
[ELE] The last time was......
[COS] i think i was pretty little
[COS] i dont remember much of it
[ELE] Oh yeah!! I remember!! That was when Uncle Sergio said that he was glad you came along, because both of the other cousins were girls!! He was so worried he wouldn't get a son!!
[COS] ha ha
[COS] yeah
[COS] my dad says some funny stuff sometimes
[COS] anyway i gotta get goin
[ELE] Okay!! See you tomorrow!!!!
[COS] see ya
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 6-21) - by NonAnalogue - 06-21-2019, 08:14 PM