One Week of Paid Gardening

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One Week of Paid Gardening
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening
I am doing a second week of paid gardening! For someone else!

I worked last Friday, as well as all day Monday, Tuesday, and today! I have tomorrow off because it's going to rain, but I'll be back to work this Friday.

I've been trying some Tim Hortons drinks, and they have a new one called Creamy Fresh that's really really good (although a little pricey at 4.25). There's vanilla flavour, that tastes like a relaxed milkshake and a vanilla cupcake had a sweet but forbidden lovechild. There's also raspberry (or maybe strawberry???) that tastes like a strawberry sunday that's different but good different and also more liquidy while still really cold and good. I haven't tried the chocolate (and probably won't for a while, very pricey for a regular drink!) but I bet it's good too.

My older cousin has been working with me, and he's mentioned how he regrets not taking a before picture of the yard we've been cleaning up. He was there a few days before I joined and apparently it was like a jungle! With weeds as high as people completely blocking everything. I believe it, the garden hadn't been tended to at all for 4 years :O

We think we're going to be completely finished on Friday. I'm excited for how gorgeous it is going to be. The backyard is already complete and I'm proud of it.

After work today, my other cousin and his girlfriend and my brother (as well as work cousin) all went to an old quarry. It was filled with water an unknown time ago, and the region made it a park where people can go to swim. The water is gorgeous blue and the huge stone cliffs/walls surrounding the area had interesting colours and very geometric formations (unnatural, as a result of the quarry, but still beautiful).

When we returned home, we watched Steven Universe while I made everyone lasagna. It was a great day.

Messages In This Thread
One Week of Paid Gardening - by Reyweld - 06-03-2019, 12:30 PM
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening - by June Stargal - 06-03-2019, 01:24 PM
RE: One Week of Plaid Gardening - by June Stargal - 06-08-2019, 03:25 AM
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening - by Reyweld - 06-08-2019, 12:47 PM
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening - by Reyweld - 06-20-2019, 02:28 AM
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening - by Reyweld - 06-21-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: One Week of Paid Gardening - by Reyweld - 06-21-2019, 04:25 PM