not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 6-3)
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Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and CrashedBurnt...
CrashedBurnt is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

2003, 2d5mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.1.

[CB] Hey you got plans for your birthday.
[WB] i do
[WB] what did you make them for me or something
[CB] Oh no sorry.
[CB] That was a question.
[CB] This speech to text app still hasn't figured out punctuation.
[CB] So do you got plans for your birthday question mark.
[CB] That didn't work did it.
[WB] no but i get what youre askin
[WB] no plans yet but im sure my parents are gonna wanna do something
[WB] not lookin forward to it tbh
[WB] gonna have to dress up all nice or whatever
[WB] settle in for a long evening of them tellin me i look so handsome
[CB] That's the worst.
[WB] its not the end of the world i guess
[WB] maybe ill get some gold or something as a present
[WB] ive been burnin most of mine on that suburbs game
[WB] i think ive got enough for one more session then ill have to wait until i save more
[CB] The Suburbs you mean the one in beta.
[CB] I've heard bits and pieces about it.
[CB] How is it.
[WB] its super addictin really
[WB] lotsa wheels within wheels sorta thing
[WB] apparently the end goal is to create a whole new universe inside the game
[WB] at which point i guess youre controllin the characters controllin the people inside that new universe
[WB] i wonder how deep it goes
[WB] just gamers all the way down
[WB] i wanna start that new game too
[CB] New game.
[WB] the one thats been gettin all the good press
[WB] take ten
[WB] man now i wanna play some suburbs
[WB] i think im gonna go do that
[CB] Okay have fun.
[CB] Good night.

1721, 1d5mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.1.

[CB] Yo.
[WB] yoooo hows it goin
CrashedBurnt has sent the file: a6121245.pic
Image description: A cute cat in front of a building.
[WB] what in the world am i lookin at here
[CB] My pic to text app tells me it's a picture of a cute cat.
[CB] I thought you would enjoy it.
[CB] It's not a cute cat is it.
[WB] its
[WB] um
[CB] Tell me I can take it.
[WB] you know the phrase eldritch horror
[CB] I'm passingly familiar with it yes.
[WB] apply that phrase to a cat
[CB] Oh.
[WB] also its burnin a building down
[CB] But is it cute.
[WB] um in a way i guess
[CB] Then there you go.

0056, 18d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[CB] Hey sorry I missed your messages.
[CB] I was out all evening I was at Ms. Kronopoulos's house.
[CB] She's like a goddamned encyclopedia did you know that.
[CB] Ask her about anything and she knows the answer.
[CB] She was able to recite newspaper articles from the last year by memory.
[CB] And she could tell me where every blackeye recently was found.
[CB] Anyway my point is that she made finishing my research project a lot easier.
[CB] The answer you were asking about is two pie over three at least that's what I got.
[CB] I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that that didn't get transcribed right.
[CB] Talk to you later.

2107, 17d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[WB] hey cb you there
[WB] i wanted to ask you about one of the sections ms k assigned us
[WB] section 4
[WB] like
[WB] i did it and all but i just wanna check that its right
[WB] and youre a lot better at math than me
[WB] look see
[WB] you forced me to admit that
[WB] as if our respective grades werent proof enough
[WB] god proofs
[WB] fuckin hate proofs
[WB] pretty sure they were sent here by the goddess specifically to punish me personally
[WB] like 'look at me im a consistent thread of logic leading to a conclusion'
[WB] youre not special
[WB] i could lead to a conclusion if i wanted to
[WB] quod erat demonstrandum
[WB] more like
[WB] quod erat demonstrandumb
[WB] this is the kind of sizzling hot content you get when you subscribe to fiametta facts
[WB] anyway message me back when you can
[WB] thanks

1657, 16d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[WB] look thanks again for letting me stay over last night
[WB] after i went to see ms k about that math stuff
[WB] i realized i just couldnt go home
[WB] thankfully my parents were okay with it
[CB] No problem it's always cool hanging out.
[CB] We need to put some more time into Gemstone Glory soon.
[WB] no kidding
[WB] plus
[WB] those waffles your mom made this morning
[WB] those were the most bomb ass waffles i have ever had the pleasure of stuffing down my face hole
[CB] Wow.
[CB] I wish I could have never read that combination of words.
[WB] they were good waffles is what im saying
[CB] Yeah I got that.

2330, 13d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.123.

[WB] bees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beeeeees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beeeeeeeeeeees
[CB] B E E S.

1657, 11d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.123.

[WB] im going to die
[WB] i swear
[WB] either my parents are gonna kill me or im gonna do the job myself
[CB] What's wrong.
[WB] my dad said i needed to man up
[WB] because i didnt wanna go to a breaker game
[WB] and i snapped at him
[WB] and it turned into this whole thing
[WB] i mean for one how is going to a breaker game a man thing
[CB] Right my mom loves breaker.
[WB] exactly
[WB] and second i don't need to man up thank you very much
[WB] if anything i need to woman up
[CB] Are you going to tell them any time soon.
[WB] i am in no hurry to come outta the closet to them.
[WB] no idea how theyd take it
[WB] mom might be touch and go
[WB] she likes talkin about how im her little boy
[WB] and then dad
[WB] well
[WB] just keep an eye on the death reports in the news if i ever tell him
[CB] Yikes.
[CB] That bad.
[WB] like i said
[WB] dunno
[WB] but im not expecting the best ill put it that way
[CB] Ouch.
[CB] Look anytime you need to get out of there for a bit you can come over.
[CB] You know my mom likes you.
[WB] hell if i know why
[CB] Hey same.
[WB] but thanks

1521, 9d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.119.

[CB] I blame you for this.
[WB] oh no what did i do
[CB] Every time now I hear the phrase you know what they say.
[WB] lemme guess
[WB] you think 'who doesnt love party favors'
[CB] Exactly.
[CB] And I start laughing every time.
[CB] And nobody else has any context.
[CB] And it's never as funny when I try to explain it.
[CB] And it's all your fault.
[WB] i apologize for nothing

1233, 8d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.8.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.117.

[WB] hey so hows that research project going
[CB] Oh shit I forgot about that.
[CB] Need to get cracking on info on blackeyes.
[CB] When is it due again.
[WB] the end of the month
[CB] Oh good that's plenty of time.
[WB] i dunno why i bothered asking
[WB] youre just gonna do it all at the last minute and get a perfect score
[WB] like always
[WB] exaggerated drawn-out sigh
[CB] You can't fool me I don't think you were actually sighing.
[WB] damn got me again

1841, 6d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.7.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.101.

[WB] hey hey so 191 glass-eyed screamers walk into the bar
[WB] and the bartender says 'get out we dont serve glass-eyed screamers here'
[WB] and the glass-eyed screamers respond
[CB] Blocked.

> Chat: RiskySophism

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and RiskySophism.
1611, 3d5mo

[WB] hey desta
[WB] how's it goin
[RS] wb? what's up?
[WB] huh
[WB] wouldnta pegged you as someone who used screen names instead of actual names
[RS] oh. sorry. it's just, your first name is super long.
[RS] and when i try to abbreviate it with your last name, i just get ff.
[RS] which sounds like i'm starting to cuss you out.
[WB] to be fair
[WB] i wouldnt mind in the slightest if you messaged me just to cuss me out
[WB] that shit would be hysterical
[WB] all like
[RS] wb. please.
[WB] 'conversation initiated between rs and wb'
[WB] 'oh hey whats up'
[RS] fiametta.
[WB] 'you know what's up you freaker'
[WB] wow
[WB] even in this absurd hypothetical informed mostly by my perception of you from what your brother told me i cant imagine you cussing
[WB] truly desta you are the purest of the pure
[RS] i most certainly am not.
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] sure
[WB] then you wont mind lettin loose with the filthiest obscenities you can imagine
[WB] right now
[RS] i don't have to prove myself to you.
[RS] look, did you message me for a reason, or did you just want to taunt me?
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] good call on redirectin me
[WB] otherwise ill keep going like this
[WB] a hole with no fuckin bottom thats for sure
[WB] okay so if you couldnt tell from how i keep dancin around the point here
[WB] this is kinda hard to ask
[WB] but did your brother ghost me or something
[WB] he hasn't responded to any of my messages for a long time
[WB] not since he told me that he had some big plans for 2d18mo
[RS] oh. um.
[RS] i.
[RS] i sort of.
[RS] i can't talk about that.
[RS] there was a big problem that day when we.
[RS] i mean when he.
[RS] when he, uh.
[RS] i just can't talk about it.
[RS] it attracted a lot of attention, and the news people were everywhere, and.
[RS] i mean.
[RS] sorry.
[WB] um
[WB] okay i guess
[WB] sorry for prying
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 6-3) - by NonAnalogue - 06-03-2019, 08:40 PM