not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-21)
> Read: News about blackeye

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.3!

v "Another Blackeye Detained Near Via Oceanica"
by Vander Olson
0812, 3d5mo

Residents of Via Oceanica breathed a collective sigh of relief today as, in the early hours of the morning, AXSIS Law Familiarity Operatives cornered and detained the blackeye that had been terrorizing their neighborhood.

Authorities state that the blackeye, which caused significant structural damage to an AXSIS DomicileUnit in the area, was captured with no harm coming to any nearby citizens. It was the third blackeye captured in the past month, putting this year already on track to be one of the most dangerous to date.

Blackeyes, persistent threats for as long as anyone can remember, are the mindless shells left over of people who cast unauthorized magic. They are distinguishable from normal humans by their horns and their black sclera. Blackeyes who have been at large for long periods of time grow even more monstrous, and the longer they go free, the more dangerous they become.

Citizens are reminded that reporting blackeyes, when spotted, is mandatory, and that AXSIS Cast is the only safe and authorized way to use magic.

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> Open: saved logs (TimesTabled)

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and TimesTabled...
TimesTabled is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

1401, 3d5mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[TT] Good afternoon to you too, Fiametta.
[TT] I'm surprised to get a message from you out of the blue, so to speak.
[TT] The school's on break, after all. Or are you getting some extra work done?
[TT] I'm always happy to help you with anything you need tutoring in.
[WB] um no sorry maam
[WB] i just wanted to say hi
[TT] Well! How kind. You're very sweet, Fiametta. Your parents must be very proud of you.
[WB] um yeah i guess so
[TT] Do let me know if I can help you with anything, Fiametta.
[WB] will do maam
[WB] have a good day
[TT] And you as well.

1232, 15d4mo
[WB] hello maam
[TT] Hello, Fiametta. What can I do for you?
[WB] do you have some time after school today
[WB] your homework is kicking me up and down the street
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. Would you like to meet online, or do you want to come over?
[WB] can i come over today
[WB] i kinda need to get out of the house
[TT] Certainly. I'll see you after school.

1546, 1d4mo
[WB] do you have a second maam
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. What do you need?
[WB] im having trouble figuring out where to start on section 2
[TT] I see. Well, as a hint, have you considered drawing another radius in the circle between points C and F?
[WB] okay ill do that but i dont see why that would
[WB] wait
[WB] oh
[WB] oh i get it now
[WB] i shoulda seen that to begin with
[WB] im such an idiot
[TT] Now, Fiametta. You're certainly not. There's no need for you to be so hard on yourself.
[TT] Learning is a process, after all.
[WB] i guess so
[WB] thanks for the help
[TT] You're welcome!

1445, 17d3mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] what was the assignment you gave out today
[WB] my axsis won't load your page for some reason
[TT] Yes, that's been happening a lot recently. I'm not sure why.
[TT] Anyway, it was sections 3 and 5 in unit 14.
[WB] thank you
[TT] Of course!

1601, 16d3mo
[TT] Good afternoon, Fiametta. You weren't in attendance today.
[TT] I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
[WB] yes maam
[WB] im fine now
[WB] i just needed
[WB] uh
[WB] some breathing time i guess
[TT] I completely understand. I'm glad you're feeling better now.

0907, 14d3mo
[WB] maam what was the assignment from yesterday
[TT] Section 1 from Unit 14.
[TT] Wait, Fiametta. That assignment is due today.
[TT] Are you just now starting it?
[TT] Fiametta?

0745, 1d3mo
[TT] Good morning, Fiametta. I just wanted to check that you were doing all right.
[WB] yes maam thank you
[WB] i appreciate it
[TT] Any time, Fiametta.

1632, 18d2mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] um
[TT] Hello, Fiametta. Is something the matter?
[WB] not
[WB] exactly
[WB] but um
[WB] i dont know how to ask this
[WB] things are a little tense right now
[WB] can i talk to you about some stuff
[WB] like in person
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. You can talk to me about anything.
[TT] Where would you like to meet?
[WB] is sly park okay
[TT] Certainly. I'll see you there.

1706, 13d2mo
[WB] good evening maam i have another question about the assignment
[WB] for the first part of section 4 i keep getting 17 as the diagonal
[WB] and ive done it about 5 times now
[WB] but apparently thats not the answer
[TT] Ah. I was hoping it wouldn't do that, but sometimes the application has issues with significant figures.
[TT] Try entering 17.00 and tell me if that works.
[WB] oh yeah there it goes
[WB] thank you
[TT] You're welcome!

1304, 1d1mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] can i work on the project with makani
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. Collaboration produces results that would be impossible on one's own, after all.
[TT] Just make sure that you each submit your own copy so the program doesn't mark yours missing.
[WB] okay thank you
[WB] have a good day
[TT] You too!
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-21) - by NonAnalogue - 05-22-2019, 08:53 PM