RE: Mystery Box
04-27-2019, 03:47 AM
Alright, ima b0uta get the m0st meta ever. s0 were a gr0up 0f pe0ple talking t0 y0u right? well we see y0u thr0ugh a f0rum 0n a website, but the thing is, we, 0ut here, are part 0f a game. And g0d is playing tht game. but g0d is acctually just being c0ntr0lled by a player 0f THAT game wh0 has becme self aware that THEY are in a game talking t0 reality. s0.... were just 0ne big mini game. C0nfused? I am t0 cause idk what i even said. As f0r my real questi0n, um.... uh.... hm.
Any tips 0n fighting baddies?
Any tips 0n fighting baddies?