The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.

The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.
RE: The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.
On April 8th, Maria Glial would contact somebody to try and get help. This was a difficult decision at the time, given her circumstance following the last six days. She still harbored an non-directed, simmering distrust that hadn't quite quieted down since that event. There was an artist who had gotten involved early on in MUFFINQUEST who she kept at a distance, up until recently, when you found out that this aloof, mysterious persona had been as fragile as she had felt then as well. Thus, Maria Glial would contact this artist.

Who, of course, didn't respond.

Why would anyone outside of Muffin Time care? That should have been just expected.

But that would have been the better option. Maria Glial's attempt to reach out did, in fact, bear fruit.

And indeed -

On April 12th, this backfired spectacularly. She instead found an obsessive vortex of drama, chaos, and intrapersonal strife that completely blindsided her.

There was no way to understand this rats' nest, this entirely separate microcosm that - apparently - had even developed a separate conception of her beloved MUFFINQUEST which at times even bordered on the incomprehensible and disgusting. Interpretations of what you held dear carelessly played with, twisted around, as their owners would seemingly fight and bicker over which corruption was somehow better or more accurate, correct than the others.

They didn't get it. None of them understood. MUFFINQUEST was real.

It was real in a way that nothing they made could compare.

It became your business to clear things up.

For almost an entire month, Maria slowly crept deeper and deeper into that hideous underside of the MUFFINQUEST community that she never acknowledeged.

Never and never did any of it change. The only thing that changed - the only one who had changed - even further, soulless still, with that simulacrum of agency -

Maria Glial, who had lost her self. (It was unhealthy to define yourself from the outside in, but Maria would say that she didn't particularly care for health.)

People noticed. Though they shouldn't -

A Maria-shaped hole in the world, into which other things fell. Food. Water. Shelter. Care. Time. The faults of the world.

The people who cautiously supported her existence continued to quietly empty, not comprehending, but in their secret hearts, filling with worry. They'd seen how Maria had changed from before to then and then from then to now.

They wanted her to be normal come back.


On May 5th, a member of Maria Glial's family finally snapped, and cut off Maria's access to Muffin Time.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly. - by Kaynato - 04-23-2019, 03:29 AM