The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.

The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.
RE: The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly.
On April 8th, Maria Glial would contact somebody to try and get help. This was: Leading scientist in the field of artificial intelligence Bart Jompson
On May 23rd, Maria Glial's closest friends invited her to help try and plan for this new knowledge. They all eventually decided to: Find the creator's home address and send a strong letter
On June 19th, after the power went out for a day, Maria Glial chose to: Acquire a smoking habit
On October 13th, Maria Glial's luck ran out, and she: Received a subpoena to testify against her school principal on matters of fraud
On December 24th, somebody ruined Christmas online. This was: The image-hosting site they were all using

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Years Did Not Treat Our Universe Kindly. - by Reecer6 - 04-20-2019, 06:57 PM