[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]

[Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!]
Oof. Starting out with the scorchers, eh?

Elmas pulls at their collar and gives a small bow, a polite smile following after. “Depends! Do you mean a Megaraptor from Northern Rhygaxia, or the south?”


“Oh! Little old me?” A set of fingertips set themselves against her chest. “I’m a technomage - you’ll find none finer, sir! And an Adalim to boot!”

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Rage at the Eclipse] - The First Phase [Applications now Open again!] - by Protoman - 04-16-2019, 08:59 PM