Swiping Right by Moonlight

Swiping Right by Moonlight
Swiping Right by Moonlight
Swiping Right by Moonlight
The Millennial Supernatural Romance (Mis)Adventure

So, you're finally diving into the world of online dating. As a freelance medium working night shifts at a bloodpack dispensary to pay the bills, you've neither time nor energy for IRL mingling. At your best friend's behest, you've buckled to the way of the 21st century and downloaded Monstr: a dating app for the supernaturally-inclined. Social media isn't your strong suit, so you're somewhat nervous, but hey! You've heard good things about its userbase.

Before you can get your swipe on, you'll just need to fill out a short profile. Easier said than done, you think, as the app's registration screen loads. It's shockingly minimalist. Some of the fields are self-explanatory; others require deeper thought.

The form is as follows...Show

There's also a prompt to upload a photo, but you'll pry open that can of worms later. You're already intimidated by the sign-up page as it is.

Fill out the protagonist's profile...

Messages In This Thread
Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Tokumei - 04-03-2019, 11:46 AM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by ShiningKatana - 04-03-2019, 01:50 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Reecer6 - 04-03-2019, 05:30 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by cutelilufo - 04-03-2019, 07:15 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Tokumei - 04-07-2019, 03:27 AM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by The One Guy - 04-04-2019, 05:31 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Reyweld - 04-04-2019, 10:58 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Reyweld - 04-07-2019, 09:24 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Numbers - 04-09-2019, 12:30 AM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by ShiningKatana - 04-08-2019, 12:38 AM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Kaynato - 04-10-2019, 10:46 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by cutelilufo - 04-10-2019, 11:44 PM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Tokumei - 05-21-2019, 02:23 AM
RE: Swiping Right by Moonlight - by Dis_Aster - 05-21-2019, 03:35 AM