Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)

Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
RE: Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
(03-30-2019, 12:44 PM)mintyfreshdepression Wrote: »> When you were only 11. Just when you started to understand the gravity of things.
> Maybe. It was something of a compromise. You're sure you could have pushed harder, but...

So you tell him as much at supper, and as expected, he refuses. A couple nights later you bring it up again. He doesn’t budge. The Light-Dancer put him on the defensive by suggesting that you train offworld; now Papa’s convinced she’s an intergalactic child-snatcher in fancy dress.

Papa doesn’t understand her urgency, nor yours. After all, you’re supposed to live much longer than a normal person. You're barely 11! You have decades to master your powers. That the Light-Dancer would suggest depriving you of a normal childhood is beyond him. You don’t think it’s all that cruel, but you can see where he’s coming from. Kind of.

The cycle repeats for weeks, until one day, the Light-Dancer returns with a gentler proposal:

Instead of taking you away from Papa, the Light-Dancer will simply move in with you. She’ll be just like a live-in nanny! The Light-Dancer promises she won’t stay for long; just enough to teach you the basics. She won't intrude on your daily lives outside of training. Besides, the suite your mother set up in her shed after the marriage soured could use a new inhabitant.

Miraculously, your father concedes.

>Supply a basic physical description for Valoisa...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based) - by Tokumei - 03-30-2019, 08:30 PM