Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)

Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
RE: Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
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The Light-Dancer arrived unannounced at harvest’s end, just days after your powers manifested. ‘I wish to speak with Valoisa Aldersley,’ she said, in that lilting accent unsuited to your language, while Papa stood in the doorway with burly arms crossed. Although he hid her face from view, you heard the smile in her voice. ‘Are you the father? Congratulations if so! Your child is very special. Very fortunate, indeed.’

Her words echo in your memory, and a disgruntled noise escapes you. In the weeks since your awakening, you’ve adapted to ‘being very special’. You’ve always been a little offbeat anyway. But 'fortunate'? You're unsure about that. The Light-Dancer’s assurance that ‘most awakenings are somewhat violent’ doesn’t ease your guilt half as much as she thinks.

Sunset bathes the village skyline beyond your window in a pinky-orange wash. Dusk comes pretty early now. Your peek down your collar and rub at the raised scar tissue where metal meets flesh. Your Focus’ soft glow seems brighter in the dark.

Whether or not you like the Light-Dancer, you believe you’d benefit from her mentorship. The Focus ensures you’re safe to be around, but what’s the point of having special powers if they’re forced to lie dormant? The Light-Dancer says she can teach you how to nurture your unique gift, given time, patience, and permission. Permission. You wish Papa would at least let you talk to her.

> How old are you when you receive your Focus?
> Do you ever convince your dad to let the Light-Dancer teach you?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based) - by Tokumei - 03-30-2019, 09:36 AM