Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)

Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based)
Author's NoteShow

X Years Prior

You’re just a child when they first affix your Focus. The operation lasts half a school day, but they let you sleep much longer, so as to spare you the pain of recovery. Still, the skin around the socket itches. Other people stare. You struggle with the luminous weight just beneath your—what’s it called—suprasternal notch.

The Light-Dancer who scouted you insists you’ll acclimate better under her guidance, but Papa disagrees. Loudly. Embarrassingly. His temper’s controlled for the most part nowadays, but the Light-Dancer’s persistence brings out his worst. He’s been moody ever since your mother left him for the handsome sand wyvern hunter from Kamolla VI. Ashton? Asher. Something like that. You forgive Papa's outbursts because you know he’s just afraid of losing you, too.

Downstairs, the door slams with enough force to rattle the frame of your modest two-bedroom cottage. You heave a long, rattling sigh and roll over in your bed. The Light-Dancer will return in a few days’ time. She always does. You’re still unsure what you think of her.

> What's your name?
> How old are you at this time?

Messages In This Thread
Space Witch Anime (Illustrated Text-Based) - by Tokumei - 03-29-2019, 11:08 PM