Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
Hey guys! I just thought I'd give you all a little status update, since we're coming up on a month since the last update and... while that's not entirely out of the ordinary for the schedule I've fallen into, tragically, it's definitely not getting done this week and I wanted to say something for my own peace of mind. I've alluded to some of this on my Tumblr, but I'm sure not everyone reads that, so...

Long story short, it's been an eventful month? Starting with some serious health issues in a close relative, adding a work schedule that got pretty dang wild almost without me noticing it, and now ending with a 4/5-month-old hard drive starting to fail, I hope it's understandable that I didn't always have the time to work on the comic even when I had the energy, or vice-versa - when I wasn't lacking in both at the same time.

For the record, my close relative is slowly recovering, my work schedule has calmed down a little and my files are safe (I just need to actually go replace this dang HDD) - and this isn't to say there has been no progress at all! The script is fully done, two panels are complete, the rest are thumbnailed and one has a more detailed sketch. In fact, that's about as far as I got before this hard drive started to die, and I should be back on track once I've replaced it and figured out a regular backup system that works for me, knock on wood.

So! The point of this post, really, is to thank you all for your patience and readership! It makes me really happy to know you guys are reading - regardless of whether you make suggestions and comments or not - even though I can't work on this full time.

(Also, should I post this message in the mirror too?? Gosh I do not know how these things work.)

Anyhow! Please enjoy this older doodle of the cast with different hairstyles, and see you soon!

[Image: tumblr_ouordaSyM01qev36lo1_1280.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 03-27-2019, 11:12 PM