
RE: Legacy

(01-16-2019, 09:11 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »...Is there any particular reason anyone would want to listen to Maintainer Halley Wildner, tho?

[2x1][Image: talk.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]...and then I said "So that's why it's not really High Treason to democratically sabotage the Jump Drive, forcing us to settle on the Candidate World in this star system.

Even if that's arguably an act of mutiny against the current Sovereign Commander."

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Y'know Halley, when I said I was dying to hear about how your date went?

I didn't mean "Please involve me in you and your girlfriend's sexy mutiny conspiracy, because I'd like to get arrested and literally die."
[/box] [|] [Image: doubt.png][/2x1]

Your lunch break isn't quite over yet, but you've found your way back to work regardless. More specifically, you stand in the Equipment Rental Office for your Maintenance Sector. Your work buddy, Carter Wise, is on duty as Quartermaster today. Basically, he sits behind a desk in a cage, and rents out tools and equipment to people like you, to help with whatever work needs doing.

Maintaining Agronomy Sector Alpha-2 is generally pretty slow work, so you keep one another sane by chatting like this when you can. Lately, though, Carter has taken a keen interest in coaching you on your love life. Or what passes for it, anyway.

[2x1][Image: oh.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Wait. Are you saying that conspiracies are sexy? Because this was only our first date. I'm definitely not ready for sexy yet.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Trust me. I think you're safe there.

As for whether it's fair game for a first date... well typically you'd charm her first. Show her your good side, impress her with your looks, your style, your sense of humor, your competence, your common sense, and stuff like that.

Then? Once you got her interested, and she has a reason to stick around? That's when you can finally take her back to your place, put on some music, let your hair down, and show her your... revolutionary manifesto, or whatever.
[/box] [|] [Image: explain.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: lecture.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]It wasn't a manifesto, Carter! I was just being honest about what I was thinking and feeling. With regard to the political realities of this Worldship.

That's how you get to know people, isn't it? Being honest and open?

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]And how, pray tell, did that work out for you?[/box] [|] [Image: lecture.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: concern.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Well, after that Meridy was quiet for a bit. She looked pensive, maybe amused? It was hard to read the look on her face, so I said "It's drastic, but it's only necessary because the Worldship's falling apart. People like you and I only have so much time left. We'll all die cold and alone in space, if we don't find something nice to settle for soon." Then she raised an eyebrow and was all "We're still talking about the Worldship, right? And... purely hypothetically?" And I said "Well, of course," and then...

...oh shoot, I really bombed this date, didn't I?

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]What was your first clue.[/box] [|] [Image: sass.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: away.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Next thing she said was "It's good we're talking hypothetical, because I'm technically still on duty right now. And I'd hate to have to throw a good friend into the brig, on account of them getting dangerously seditious."

She called us "good friends." That's gotta be code for "Let's just stay friends," right?

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Maybe. Or maybe you're just reading too much into it. Maybe she's into power games, and threatening to throw her dates in jail is how she flirts. Or maybe she's warning you, platonically, to not commit acts of treason. Hard to say, on account of how I've never felt the need to date a Cop before.

But hey, if you did just get friend-zoned? At least you went down in a blaze of glory being your weird and beautiful self.
[/box] [|] [Image: explain.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: talk.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]I guess. I just... really wanted this one to work out, you know?

Her Quarters are right down the hall from mine, so we've talked pretty regularly. She's kind to our neighbors, and really confident, and she has a great laugh. And she's surprisingly built... like, it's not obvious when she's in her Enforcer uniform, but I've seen her in her jogging clothes, and...

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]...[/box] [|] [Image: grin.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: away_blush.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Uh, anyway... when I asked her if she wanted to get coffee and chat some time, and she said yes, I just... hoped that afterward, she'd maybe say we should do it again some time? Or otherwise confirm that it really was a Date date, and not just a lunch date, or a...[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Woah woah woah, hold up. Did you ever, at any point, actually let her know you were asking her on a Date? That you wanted it to be a Date date?[/box] [|] [Image: talk.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: concern.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]...was I supposed to be that blatant about it? I thought it was implied![/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Halley, buddy... you need to let somebody know it's a Date before you ask them yes or no. If you don't, then they don't know what they're agreeing to, or turning down. You gotta be up front about your intentions!

Far as I can tell, the only clear intention you were putting across was that you wanted to recruit her into your covert anti-monarchist mutiny squad....
[/box] [|] [Image: lecture.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: sass.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]So, what you're saying is...

...that I didn't bomb my date with Meridy after all.

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Sure, on account of it not being a date in the first place!

But honestly, since you already exposed your whole manifesto to her, in a way that didn't leave anything to the imagination...
[/box] [|] [Image: sass.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: doubt.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]There was no manifesto, Carter...[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Point is, I think you might've hurt your chances.

If anything, this probably implied to her that you're not interested in her. Next time you see her, you'll want to make your intentions clear. And you're gonna have some damage control to do, especially if she was flirting, and you were...
[/box] [|] [Image: talk.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: left.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]*Ehem*

Not to interrupt, but you're the on-duty Quartermaster for the Alpha-2 Equipment Rental, aren't you?

A sharply dressed person carrying an oversized Compad and stylus stands near the door to the room. Their face is shaded from view by the failing light fixtures near the entrance, and what might be a great deal of hair. You don't recognize them.

You don't know how long they've been standing there waiting, but their body language is silently screaming their impatience.

[2x1][Image: left.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Carter, was it?

Administrator Adra Markell. The Overseer for Alpha Ring sent me with orders for the urgent transfer of some Synth Workers, Stun Pistons, and Space Suits to Sector Alpha-4. High priority repairs on vital components, which are currently exposed to hard vacuum. Possibly related to illegal Scavenger activity in the area. I'm sure you understand our urgency.

Or should I call the Overseer, and say you're... busy with your friend here?

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]I'll be right with you, Mezzer Markell. We were just, uh, finishing up.

So, what was it you needed again, Maintainer?
[/box] [|] [Image: sweat.png][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: concern.png] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Huh? I... uh...[/box][/2x1]

Carter gives you a pointed look, while gesturing to the assorted racks of maintenance equipment locked up behind him. When you give him a puzzled look back, he leans in close.

[2x1][box=https://solifuge.github.io/legacy/ui/text.png border=16]Look I know you probably don't actually need anything right now, but please sign out some gear? Last thing I need is the Overseer for the whole Alpha Ring breathing down my neck.[/box] [|] [Image: whisper.png][/2x1]

If you remember correctly, you can rent out up to 4 pieces of equipment at a time. But... what should you ask for?

[2x1][Image: base.png] [|] [box=#F96 size=full border=4]GEAR:
> Stun Pistol: (Close Range, Electrical, Non-Lethal / Recharge)
A standard self-defense weapon, designed to stun shipboard threats using electricity. May need a recharge or a fresh powercell from time to time.

> Multi-Wrench: (Innocuous, Melee, Toolkit / Clumsy)
A large multitool-wrench, useful for a variety of shipboard repair and engineering tasks. Makes for a crude but effective weapon, despite not coming across as one.

> Compad: (Comms, Computing, Sensors / Recharge)
A handheld computer designed for communication, data collection, research, analysis, and other tasks. May need to be recharged after extended use.

> Maintenance Keycard: (Access, Innocuous, Prestige / Tracked)
A keycard granting access to personal crew quarters, sealed decks, and other restricted areas for maintenance purposes. Lends some official authority to your activities. It's use is logged, and ensures that the biometrics match the registered user, to prevent misuse.

> Protective Gear: (Armored, Shock-Resistant)
A sturdy but unremarkable work outfit, designed to protect against physical injuries or electrical shocks while working.

> Hazmat Gear: (Acid-Resistant, Concealing, Respiration / Flashy)
A full-body suit with filtration mask, gloves, and smock, designed to protect against exposure to smoke, toxic fumes, and corrosive chemicals. Conceals the wearer's body, making identification difficult, but tends to draw attention and nervous looks.

> Maintainer Exo-Shell: (Armored x2, Mighty, Reliable / Loud, Recharge)
An armored, powered mechanical exoskeleton. Used to augment strength, and protect the wearer during dangerous heavy labor. Noisy when in operation, and may need a recharge after extended use.

> Maintainer Space Suit: (Concealing, Cold-Resistant, Heat-Resistant, Pressure-Resistant, Respiration / Clumsy, Flashy, Recharge)
A full-body, thermally-insulated spacesuit with it's own air supply. Designed for repairs done in space, hazardous atmospheres, extreme temperatures, and other adverse environments. Painted in high-visibility Maintainer orange, overbuilt enough that it can be a bit clumsy, and may need a recharge from time to time.

> Intern: (Any 3 Expertise Traits / Timid)
A newly-Awakened crewman assigned to the Maintainer Caste. Though young, they were trained as a general technician before entering Cryosleep. They're still getting used to life on the Worldship, and tend to be less adventurous, and defer to more experienced members of the crew.

> Synth Worker: (Synth, Laborer, 1 Expertise Trait / Foolish)
A semi-sentient Synthetic person. Since they don't sleep, eat, breathe, or get sick, they typically do jobs where these traits come in handy. They can directly interface with and quickly modify software systems. Known for misinterpreting complex or nuanced instructions, and making strange decisions.[/box][/2x1]

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