Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)

Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)
RE: Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)
You need to pee really badly. You realize abruptly that WHITE-ANT may have been blocking the signal from your bladder, in order to... mitigate your distress, maybe?

Having something living in your head that isn't you, but also can sort of control aspects of your body, is weird. Really weird. But don't worry, you're not going to freak out about that part of it any time soon. You spent the first month after you got your powers (well, the first month after you woke up from the coma) doing that.

The bathroom is actually really nice. Like, they have a tub. It's tiny, but it's a tub, with a shower head, and the soap dispenser never runs out of soap. (Why are they being so nice to you? You're a prisoner, this would be easier to accept if you were in a bare cell with a hole for a toilet. Maybe. Or maybe it would just suck? You don't know! You've never been a prisoner before.)

You catch sight of yourself in the mirror when you're washing your hands after and you wince.

==> BIOS
That's the thing, isn't it. The reason why you can't think about your powers.

Your hair, and you think about this because you see it, is the green-yellow of birch leaves. You run your fingers through it without thinking, feeling the grassy texture.

You're not a plant-person, not exactly, but you are kind of a plant person?

You can make vines grow out of your fingers and out of your mouth, gross, gross, gross but that's okay. It's actually kind of useful! You can use them to make whips, or nets, or just ropes, and since you do technically fight people that comes in handy a lot. It's why you're HECATE.

The problem is that your hands are dark green and fibrous and smell like shredded flower stems, sometimes, and that seems to be spreading? Especially since you got here. It used to just be the tips of your fingers, and your lips, sometimes, that were weird and plant-y, but now it's both your hands to the wrists.

WHITE-ANT doesn't talk about it that much because they know it freaks you, but they don't entirely get why you're so worried.

It's why she was taking your blood. Your blood is weird, apparently. It's also why other stuff you really don't want to think about happened.

Yeah. You know that, most of the time. They treat 'you' and your body as the same thing, and themselves as a passenger in that body, which means they are okay about boundaries, relatively speaking. They most don't rifle through your memories willy-nilly, though you refuse to believe that their bad impersonation of your grandmother's way of speaking is an accident.

You have no idea why they retreated, by the way. They just do that, sometimes. Maybe they're sleeping?

(You think, absurdly, of dolphins, who sleep one lobe of their brain at a time. Is that what WHITE-ANT is doing? Sleeping? Can they do that? You have no idea. They did not sleep when they were in the Echo, but that's because nothing's physical over there. Even ges don't understand exactly what the transition does, or how it affects things.

The scientists here, meanwhile, only care about you and your body, not about the thing in your head. That's probably for the best, even though your powers couldn't exist without them.)

It's good to remember, though. You are yourself.

Maybe you could push a vine into the keyhole?

You look at your hands. They're much more malleable, like this, and... bounce back? is that a good term? better than flesh-and-blood hands would from being misshapen.

To be clear, your powers are still freaking you out, but you've also hit that wall you hit after more than twenty-four hours awake where you've launched right through fear and into something that isn't acceptance.

You're not sure why you want to get into that room so badly. Maybe just because it's locked?

Diesel knows how to lockpick. Would you be able to shape your flesh weird fibrous plant fingers into a key?

There's also soap in your room, and various heavy objects. The door looks pretty solid, though, and the lock is internal to the door itself.

(It'd be too convenient if they'd left you the tools to take it off its hinges. Not that you'd know how to do that, anyway.)

How do you go about unlocking the door?

A purely theoretical addition to the four 'accepted' categories of gift, KOSMOS refers to the hypothetical ability to manipulate the fundamental fabric of the universe itself through how the Echo interfaces with our, more physical realm. An individual with a KOSMOS gift could potentially split atoms with her fingers, or induce the birth of stars with their thoughts.
It is, for obviously reasons, tacitly forbidden as an object of study for practitioners, and many believe it does not even truly exist.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure) - by periferal - 03-10-2019, 11:17 PM