Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)

Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)
RE: Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure)

'tigerlilly' looked at their brother in the human eyes and said, "My body is dying."

Anger, foreign and delicious, swept through them, as they forced themselves upright in their bed with no strength. "I need a new one."

"We have our mission, first," the brother, 'agar' said. "Teach a way to take bodies without the flesh-minds remaining, without subdu(je)ction. Your body is dying, and I mourn, but we will find a new one for you, full of fresh grieving."

tigerlilly shook their head. "I do not like discontinuity of form," they said. "I will steal a young body that works, wipe the self-abnegating self from its neurology and walk, the only self within the shell." They smiled the bloodless smile of a soon-to-be corpse. "You love me, brother," they said. "In consequence of shape. You shall help me in this, for I am all you trust."

agar nodded with a tired sigh; he and tigerlilly shared a mid-parent and thus he would tear apart the winds of Saturn and drink it to the bones for them, as was only just, but his sibling thought only of their form, of embodiment, of fingers and tongues and physical means of sight.

It was tiring, as only any endured condition of being could be when one wore a shape in this world.

tigerlilly slumped backwards and closed their eyes, white hair framing their too-narrow face.

What is this place?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gestalt: Echo's Gift (Text Adventure) - by periferal - 03-08-2019, 07:35 PM