“Congratulations on passing your final Chef Exam, students! You who have survived the gauntlet of trials can now enter the wondrous world of cooking. There is just… a little bit of paperwork. Very important stuff, mind you.”

“Firstly, you must fill out the form currently on your desk, with your basic personal information for your Chef’s License.”

Chef’s License FormShow


“All done? If not, hurry up, I have a meeting.”

“Next up… Take a look at that handy Portal Deployment Apparatus (or PDA) you’ve got there. Y.. Yes, switch it on… Now type in your login…”

PDA LoginShow

“Wonderful. Now, there should be one entry on that device, of our school mascot, Potatio, and his incredibly gargantuan vegetable.”

“H-hey, stop laughing!”

“Take a look at that screen. You’ll see a few things, which I will explain to you now.”

[Image: potatio.png]

“The first element we shall discuss is the decorative border around Potatio. This border symbolizes that this entry is about a type of Plant. The other types of entries you can find include Animal, Tool, Mystical, Monster, and Miscellaneous.”

[Image: potatioborderhighlight.gif]

“Next up we’ll take a look to the right of Potatio. Here is the name of the entry, and it’s full description. Fairly self explanatory.”

[Image: potatiodeschighlight.gif]

“If you are in possession of an item, your PDA will keep track of it with a small portrait on the ‘Inventory’ menu. You can always check the full entry by selecting an item from the inventory.”


“Now that we have that stuff sorted… What’s next.... Ah, yes, the Flavour and Texture meters. Below Potatio, you will see an array of coloured meters. These detail the Flavour and Texture, respectively, of Potatio’s Wizard Potato. The score can range from a -4 to a +4, and certain flavour combinations will synergize better than others.”

"In the case of this Wizard Potato, it's stats are... -2 Sweet, +2 Sour, 0 Spicy, +2 Salty, +3 Umami, -1 Silky, +2 Snappy, -3 Spongy, +1 Soggy, and 0 Crispy. The middle bar of these meters is 0, and the more segments there are towards the plus symbol, the higher flavour or texture score. And vice versa. You'll get the hang of it."

[Image: potatioscorehighlight.gif]

“...and finally, we get to the Portions section. To the bottom right, you will see that there is a grid shaped like the item in question. However many squares are filled in that grid represents how many portions of that item you have left in your possession to utilize in a recipe. Some recipes may call for additional portions, while some may use half portions. Remember that Flavour and Texture bonuses/penalties are also affected by this multiplication. If you use twice the amount of Wizard Potato, that will be quite bitter, and disgustingly savoury.”

[Image: potatioportionhighlight.gif]

“Of course, Portions, Flavour, and Texture are unique to food or ingredient items, and Mystical/Tool type items will have Properties rather than Flavour or Texture, and ‘Uses’ or ‘Charges’ instead of Portions, and Monsters will be different again. I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon enough, anyway. I have to go to this meeting, so toodley-doo!”
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.

Messages In This Thread
COOKING QUEST III: THE REIGN OF RAMZI - by sprïly - 03-05-2019, 09:16 AM