Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Knifey Vinny: Mug the scenery almost as hard as you're mugging this random passerby.

[Image: hs7jtuk.png]

KNIFEY VINNY???: Uh, that’s like... a zero out of three, kid.
KNIFEY VINNY???: One, that’s not my name; two, I’m not mugging you, I’m explaining this business transaction in terms you can understand. Three, you’re not a random passerby anymore if I’m in your room.
SOFT BOY: Uh, but the first time we met, I was just passing by, and you came to talk to me...
KNIFEY VINNY???: Yeah, and you decided to buy oregano from a guy who just came up to you?? I don’t see how that’s my problem!
SOFT BOY: W... Wait! If this is a business transaction, why are you pulling a knife on me, Mister...?

[Image: 36YGo7R.png]

Your name, as far anyone is concerned, is Kaphlar Kinra, as you’re quick to remind the gullible idiot you’re talking to. Clearly, he’s a little slow, so you take things step by step.

Think about it this way: if you walk into a store, demand a product, and get exactly what you asked for, then you can’t very well go back and ask for a refund without a good reason. And if you insist on it, then that’s bordering on harassment, and the staff is well within their rights to exercise self-defense! Right?

You pause to check if the kid is following and hold back a giggle when you see the look on his face.

[Image: sTDXonZ.png]

SOFT BOY: But... I didn’t get exactly what I asked for! I asked for... I asked for weed! And my partner said that wasn’t weed!
KAPHLAR: Nuh-huh, I remember how it went. I told you I had drugs, you asked me for the goods, I don’t remember you saying the word “weed” at any point!
SOFT BOY: Are you sure?
KAPHLAR: Positive.

Moron asked “Do you really have weed??” like 10 times.

SOFT BOY: Well... You still scammed me. You said you were selling drugs, and I want my money back!
KAPHLAR: No I didn’t.
SOFT BOY: Yes you did!
KAPHLAR: Nooo, I didn’t, and frankly, at the rate we’re going? I think I deserve some compensation for the time we’re wasting here!
SOFT BOY: Compensation?... A-Aaahh!


[Image: bjKPyXr.png]

KAPHLAR: Hahah! Relax, kiddo! This is all part of the negotiations, you get me~? Here’s the deal.
KAPHLAR: You’re pretty rich, right? I can tell, you know! Got an eye for these things!
SOFT BOY: Huh...?
KAPHLAR: So, do your parents know you’ve been looking into buying *GASP* drugs with their money??
KAPHLAR: I mean, obviously I can’t go to the police. But if someone just happened to tip off your parents... Or even the internet...
SOFT BOY: You... You can’t do that! You don’t even know who...
KAPHLAR: The Dawns, right? Pret~ty big deal!

[Image: j5oLf6g.png]

EXASPERATED PARTNER: Stellwyn, is this the dealer?
SOFT BOY: ... Yeah...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 02-11-2019, 09:13 PM