RE: Trading Doodles and Species tickets for Data entry (copy and pasting for 30 minutes)
02-05-2019, 03:15 AM
All 51 achievements 500-999 points are finished.
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("Perpetual Flight","500","Why land on a planet when you can just rob people who are looking for parking?","Reach Fortuna without ever landing your ship after taking off for the first time.")
("X-Aliens","500","Join the evolution.","Reach Fortuna with a crew where each member has at least one mutation.")
("Such is life","500","Is very sad but we carry on, dah? We drink in remembrance when all over.","Have a crew of five or more including one comrade all die except the comrade before arriving at Fortuna. You must win.")
("Reunion","500","It's been a while, hasn't it?","Bring the Known and Unknown together for a meeting.")
("No body but me","500","Look Ma, no hands!","Complete a three or more planet run with no physical crew, only an AI loaded directly into the ship. Loading the AI into a physical body is not allowed.")
("Hi-diddly-ho!","500","It's so nice to meet you!","Find the neighbor homeworld, Home.")
("Hi-diddly-no!","500","*Uncontrollable sobbing*","Find the neighbor homeworld, Home, and kill Mother.")
("Just Be Yourself","500","Rules are made to be broken.","Assist the generics on Tenalp with their propaganda mission, causing generic society across the universe to collapse.")
("Liver and more","500","Feelin' peckish.","Have any bird-like gen 1 kill and absorb the powers of Prometheus.")
("The third one","500","Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.","Kill every character you meet and make it to fortuna in a three or more planet run.")
("Hunger Strike","500","Man, I'd kill for a sandwich right now.","Complete a six or more planet run without ever consuming a ration. The crew must have at least three members that regularly require food.")
("No sound, nor silence","500","Finally he shut up!","Kill the Singer.")
("Timeless","500","It seems you ran out of time.","Kill the Mirage.")
("No Mercy","500","Don't you have anything better to do?","Unextinct the Enemy race and revive their war with the sea angels.")
("Pre-Ordained","500","Do you really deserve any credit?","Fulfill the [Destiny] of a character with that trait.")
("Galactic Hitchhiker","500","I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the Universe.","Arrive to Fortuna only hitchhiking ships using someone with the [42] trait.")
("Oh Moon.","500","Shining in the night, Silvery and bright.","Achieve maximum friendship with all the moon gods.")
("Fortuna 11","500","Not everyone is ready for Space.","Win a game with a human in your crew")
("Save The World","500","I mean it's not the universe but still, good job.","Save a doomed planet from its fate.")
("Something Great","500","Was all that money spent worth it?","Assemble the cheerleader squad of Nike, Kratos, Bia, and Zelus, and witness their fabled legendary cheer.")
("Skinned Heaven","500","From dust you came, and to dust you shall never return.","Bring a Human to Earth.")
("Continuously","500","Oh stop it you're too much.","Have 343 Crew members be possessed by Kyle.")
("Revolution [French]","500","Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!","Force a revolution among the Soothals, kill all royalty, and establish a democracy.")
("This is a Christian Game","500","That's so sweet, good job!","Complete a 6 or more planets run with no swears, blood, death or anything that a kid shouldn't see.")
("You Monster","500","Your hands are covered in oil. Monster.","Permanently kill a gen one AI, yourself.")
("Traveling Biomes","500","One biome, multiple planets.","Get an entire crew of [monobiome] species to fortuna.")
("All about the trip","500","The real Fortuna was the friends we made along the way.","Get to the Fortuna planet, then turn around and go back home without getting Fortuna.")
("Geek Con","500","Now we're starting a party!","Collect at least three Greek AIs.")
("The Evil Inside","500","That was harder than I expected.","Truly destroy a Mors or Somnus unit.")
("Rom Con","500","A group of tragically comedic characters to film a hit drama with.","Collect at least three Roman AIs.")
("Revenge","500","No one ruins your run and gets away with it, alive.","Lose a game of Fortuna. Start a new game of Fortuna. Kill the EXACT thing that made you lose last time.")
("The city sleeps","500","I've never killed a city before.","Kill the High Adjuntive of Iconix on Oerson.")
("Regicide","500","You killed *who?!*","Slay any O-Class notail.")
("Falling Sky","500","David should take notes from you.","Kill a fully-grown enlightened drakon city.")
("War for Fun and Profit","500","What's a little bit of warmongering between friends?","Start 5 wars in a single game.")
("War Stopper","500","Stop all the fighting!","Stop a war. This achievement does not apply if you kill everyone, or most of the people involved in the war. The peace must not come due to fear.")
("Cast from the Past","575","I'm kinda getting tired of this guy...","Have the same character join your crew in 3 different games.")
("Monster Mash","600","It was a graveyard smash!","Complete a fortuna run at least 5 planets long with a vampwelf, uutzi, crawler, quelan, artcuna, and vaeri. Atleast 3 of them must survive.")
("Vampiric","600","Blood for the blood god!","Have a crew consisting entirely of crewmembers with the trait [Uncontrollable Bloodthirst] get to Fortuna with at least two of them alive.")
("We the People","600","We the people, in order to establish a more perfect union, did away with those other O-classes because...honestly, they were some real jerks.","Have the O-12s vote out the other O-classes and take over notail society.")
("Ultimate Florida Man","600","Local Florida Man mounts the universe itself!","Get the [Florida Man] to the Neo and ride it.")
("My Ship Now","650","So what if this ship has thousands of "budryft rangers" on it? They can just come along for the ride.","Steal the HQ ship on Pfort Hope, and use it to get to Fortuna.")
("Short Circuit","700","What did you even do? Smash it into another planet?","Knock out all power on Elektrovox. All of it.")
("Full Xenophobic","700","Under no circumstances must the Xeno be trusted!","Army mode, get a single species crew and kill everyone who is not your species.")
("Classic Theseus","700","Is it still the same run...?","Reach Fortuna with no remaining elements from your starting crew (crew members, AIs, ships, supplies, etc) left.")
("Discontinued","700","And now it's time to burn.","Permanently kill Kyle Continuous.")
("Zodiac Killer","700","I think you should just ignore your horoscope.","Drive extinct all of the "Zodiac" species.")
("Pest Control","700","Do the universe a favor here.","Kill every notail on Eukaryote.")
("God Puncher","700","Did you just punch God in the face?","Kill a Limbo god.")
("On a Wing and a Prayer","875","Who needs repairs?","Complete a game with 8 or more planets without purchasing or taking anything from a store, or even trading items with other people.")
("AFK","950","Look, ma, no hands!","Win a game of Fortuna by doing absolutely nothing.")
("Perpetual Flight","500","Why land on a planet when you can just rob people who are looking for parking?","Reach Fortuna without ever landing your ship after taking off for the first time.")
("X-Aliens","500","Join the evolution.","Reach Fortuna with a crew where each member has at least one mutation.")
("Such is life","500","Is very sad but we carry on, dah? We drink in remembrance when all over.","Have a crew of five or more including one comrade all die except the comrade before arriving at Fortuna. You must win.")
("Reunion","500","It's been a while, hasn't it?","Bring the Known and Unknown together for a meeting.")
("No body but me","500","Look Ma, no hands!","Complete a three or more planet run with no physical crew, only an AI loaded directly into the ship. Loading the AI into a physical body is not allowed.")
("Hi-diddly-ho!","500","It's so nice to meet you!","Find the neighbor homeworld, Home.")
("Hi-diddly-no!","500","*Uncontrollable sobbing*","Find the neighbor homeworld, Home, and kill Mother.")
("Just Be Yourself","500","Rules are made to be broken.","Assist the generics on Tenalp with their propaganda mission, causing generic society across the universe to collapse.")
("Liver and more","500","Feelin' peckish.","Have any bird-like gen 1 kill and absorb the powers of Prometheus.")
("The third one","500","Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.","Kill every character you meet and make it to fortuna in a three or more planet run.")
("Hunger Strike","500","Man, I'd kill for a sandwich right now.","Complete a six or more planet run without ever consuming a ration. The crew must have at least three members that regularly require food.")
("No sound, nor silence","500","Finally he shut up!","Kill the Singer.")
("Timeless","500","It seems you ran out of time.","Kill the Mirage.")
("No Mercy","500","Don't you have anything better to do?","Unextinct the Enemy race and revive their war with the sea angels.")
("Pre-Ordained","500","Do you really deserve any credit?","Fulfill the [Destiny] of a character with that trait.")
("Galactic Hitchhiker","500","I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the Universe.","Arrive to Fortuna only hitchhiking ships using someone with the [42] trait.")
("Oh Moon.","500","Shining in the night, Silvery and bright.","Achieve maximum friendship with all the moon gods.")
("Fortuna 11","500","Not everyone is ready for Space.","Win a game with a human in your crew")
("Save The World","500","I mean it's not the universe but still, good job.","Save a doomed planet from its fate.")
("Something Great","500","Was all that money spent worth it?","Assemble the cheerleader squad of Nike, Kratos, Bia, and Zelus, and witness their fabled legendary cheer.")
("Skinned Heaven","500","From dust you came, and to dust you shall never return.","Bring a Human to Earth.")
("Continuously","500","Oh stop it you're too much.","Have 343 Crew members be possessed by Kyle.")
("Revolution [French]","500","Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!","Force a revolution among the Soothals, kill all royalty, and establish a democracy.")
("This is a Christian Game","500","That's so sweet, good job!","Complete a 6 or more planets run with no swears, blood, death or anything that a kid shouldn't see.")
("You Monster","500","Your hands are covered in oil. Monster.","Permanently kill a gen one AI, yourself.")
("Traveling Biomes","500","One biome, multiple planets.","Get an entire crew of [monobiome] species to fortuna.")
("All about the trip","500","The real Fortuna was the friends we made along the way.","Get to the Fortuna planet, then turn around and go back home without getting Fortuna.")
("Geek Con","500","Now we're starting a party!","Collect at least three Greek AIs.")
("The Evil Inside","500","That was harder than I expected.","Truly destroy a Mors or Somnus unit.")
("Rom Con","500","A group of tragically comedic characters to film a hit drama with.","Collect at least three Roman AIs.")
("Revenge","500","No one ruins your run and gets away with it, alive.","Lose a game of Fortuna. Start a new game of Fortuna. Kill the EXACT thing that made you lose last time.")
("The city sleeps","500","I've never killed a city before.","Kill the High Adjuntive of Iconix on Oerson.")
("Regicide","500","You killed *who?!*","Slay any O-Class notail.")
("Falling Sky","500","David should take notes from you.","Kill a fully-grown enlightened drakon city.")
("War for Fun and Profit","500","What's a little bit of warmongering between friends?","Start 5 wars in a single game.")
("War Stopper","500","Stop all the fighting!","Stop a war. This achievement does not apply if you kill everyone, or most of the people involved in the war. The peace must not come due to fear.")
("Cast from the Past","575","I'm kinda getting tired of this guy...","Have the same character join your crew in 3 different games.")
("Monster Mash","600","It was a graveyard smash!","Complete a fortuna run at least 5 planets long with a vampwelf, uutzi, crawler, quelan, artcuna, and vaeri. Atleast 3 of them must survive.")
("Vampiric","600","Blood for the blood god!","Have a crew consisting entirely of crewmembers with the trait [Uncontrollable Bloodthirst] get to Fortuna with at least two of them alive.")
("We the People","600","We the people, in order to establish a more perfect union, did away with those other O-classes because...honestly, they were some real jerks.","Have the O-12s vote out the other O-classes and take over notail society.")
("Ultimate Florida Man","600","Local Florida Man mounts the universe itself!","Get the [Florida Man] to the Neo and ride it.")
("My Ship Now","650","So what if this ship has thousands of "budryft rangers" on it? They can just come along for the ride.","Steal the HQ ship on Pfort Hope, and use it to get to Fortuna.")
("Short Circuit","700","What did you even do? Smash it into another planet?","Knock out all power on Elektrovox. All of it.")
("Full Xenophobic","700","Under no circumstances must the Xeno be trusted!","Army mode, get a single species crew and kill everyone who is not your species.")
("Classic Theseus","700","Is it still the same run...?","Reach Fortuna with no remaining elements from your starting crew (crew members, AIs, ships, supplies, etc) left.")
("Discontinued","700","And now it's time to burn.","Permanently kill Kyle Continuous.")
("Zodiac Killer","700","I think you should just ignore your horoscope.","Drive extinct all of the "Zodiac" species.")
("Pest Control","700","Do the universe a favor here.","Kill every notail on Eukaryote.")
("God Puncher","700","Did you just punch God in the face?","Kill a Limbo god.")
("On a Wing and a Prayer","875","Who needs repairs?","Complete a game with 8 or more planets without purchasing or taking anything from a store, or even trading items with other people.")
("AFK","950","Look, ma, no hands!","Win a game of Fortuna by doing absolutely nothing.")