RE: Trading Doodles and Species tickets for Data entry (copy and pasting for 30 minutes)
02-05-2019, 02:39 AM
And here are the achievements!
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Spoiler("Backstabbed","100","Watch your enemies, but watch your friends more closely.","Have a current crew member kill another one on purpose.")
("Duelist","100","There's no going back now, at least not until you've spent all your money on booster packs.","Use a blessed card.")
("Iron Constitution","100","I never get sick anyways.","Touch out a disease with no medicine whatsoever.")
("All who wander","100","Are you lost too?","Meet a wanderer class fhelzo and recruit them to your crew.")
("Sign-up offer","100","That's right! 100 achievement points, just for walking in the door!","Go to Don Wilmack's Wacky House of Wares!")
("Catastrophe","100","That could have gone better","Lose five or more crew members on a single planet.")
("Ironic","100","They could save others from death, but not themself.","Have a character that has brought back at least one crew memebr from death directly cause their own death.")
("Oops","100","Nice going, mister “I totally know what I'm doing”!","Total party kill your entire crew with a mistake by someone on that crew.")
("Skip to the Good Part","100","Everything before Fortuna is just fluff.","Complete a one-planet game.")
("Meow","100","Meow Meow Meow Meowww","Have a fauna cat as your captain for more than one planet.")
("I Am Not Cute","100","It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!","Have at least half your crew killed by a creature with the [Cute] trait.")
("Open the Door","100","What lies beyond?","Go through the door on Eden.")
("Extreme Censoring","100","Do not swaer! (sic)","Have a character be killed due to them swearing.")
("Villainous fail","100","Welp, they tried.","Do something evil but have your plans backfire.")
("Not Dead Yet","100","BORN TO DIE, READY TO LIVE!","Make a character with [Final Destination] go to Fortuna")
("Elemental Convergence","100","Long ago, the five elements lived in harmony...","Get a crew consisting of each of the Naturis species to Fortuna")
("Datos League","100","Don't worry, they get used to the pain about halfway through.","Play and win a full-length, officiated game of soccer where the only balls used are datos.")
("Pan-sexual","100","Pan-dering for some goat.","Have a character have a successful romantic relationship with Pan or a Pan unit.")
("Equine Crew","100","Lots of horsin' around.","Have a Helios ship with only horse-themed crew members and fauna.")
("A Teacher's Betrayal","100","When your own teacher kills you...","Have a Helios unit kill someone they consider their student.")
("A Teacher's Vengeance","100","You should have seen this coming from a mile away.","Have Helios or a Helios unit kill someone who killed their student.")
("Hybrids!","100","So many babies!","Have an entire crew of just hybrids.")
("Continuity","100","Well this can't possibly be good.","Have an important character be possessed by Kyle Continuous.")
("LEEROY JENKINS","100","LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!","Have a character go into a battle running, screaming, and shooting, then somehow win.")
("Witch On The Lam","100","She's still a sore loser.","Discover the hiding place of Hecate v1.")
("Seeing Double","100","They were annoying enough already, and you had to make another one?","Clone a crew member")
("McFri'd","100","Why would you waste your time doing that?","Go back to the past solely to teach one of your crew's ancestors how to make fried food.")
("Visit Kivver","100","Someone actually visited Kivver?","Visit the planet Kivver.")
("Eternal Nemesis","100","Nemesis will remember this.","Make an enemy out of Nemesis v1")
("Pirate!","100","Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!","Recruit a pirate or other criminal, and then be betrayed.")
("Dead in the water","100","You did it. You went beyond the impossible. You died before you could live.","Lose Fortuna BEFORE you even get to the first planet.")
("Blast the Past","100","Oh, it's YOU again!","Kill a playable character from a past game.")
("Bummer","100","This trip was a real let down......","Do a play through where for at least 50% of the game your crew has low morale.")
("Off Course","100","It's not on the map, but whatever, let's do this!","Go to a planet that does not bring you closer to getting to Fortuna.")
("Welcome Party","100","Welcome to the universe!","Meet ten or more alien races.")
("So Much to See","100","And this is just the start.","See ten or more planets, without needing to land on them.")
("Bob","100","Yes, this is Bob","Confuse a generic into believing one of your characters is a generic.")
("X-beings","100","All psychic, all the time.","Have a crew consisting only of at least five characters with psychic powers.")
("Doomed Captain","100","! will go down with the ship.","Have the captain die on Fortuna")
("Cruelty-free Tuna","100","No pain, all the gains.","Don't get a single crew member killed at Fortuna")
("Compulsive Shipper","100","All your ships are bad.","Try to engage a crew of five or more people with at least five ship combinations. They do not need to succeed, just attempted.")
("Catasrophy","100","How did you survive?","Slay a Katasrofi bird queen on Mendac-Ium.")
("Riddle Me This","100","What makes you a terrible person the longer you play it?","Solve a riddle from Hades")
("War Was Beginning","101","Time to fight.","Start a war. Any war.")
("Rigor Mortis","120","They said it was too late.... Well, surprise.","Use necromancy on someone that died more than a year ago.")
("Be efficient","150","sssssssshBAAAAAAAHHHHHMMMM","Kill two or more combatants with one shot.")
("Slave Trader","150","A deal is a deal, and you're a horrible person.","Sell a crewmember.")
("It's Hip","150","You know what this is.","Unlock an apidee hybrid for your next game.")
("The Caesar","150","Ouch, a lot of people must hate ya!","Get stabbed 22 times without dying.")
("Unicorn Blood","150","Any mode. High difficulty","Kill a unicorn with a character who is cursing or would otherwise provoke a unicorn.")
("Bygones","150","She deserves this.","Help Hecate v1 to get over her troubles.")
("Lucky Escape","150","This is a really neat dog.","End a boss fight by distracting the boss,")
("Best vacation ever","150","¡Dios mío!","Amaze a tourist so much that they drop dead right on the spot.")
("Duelist","100","There's no going back now, at least not until you've spent all your money on booster packs.","Use a blessed card.")
("Iron Constitution","100","I never get sick anyways.","Touch out a disease with no medicine whatsoever.")
("All who wander","100","Are you lost too?","Meet a wanderer class fhelzo and recruit them to your crew.")
("Sign-up offer","100","That's right! 100 achievement points, just for walking in the door!","Go to Don Wilmack's Wacky House of Wares!")
("Catastrophe","100","That could have gone better","Lose five or more crew members on a single planet.")
("Ironic","100","They could save others from death, but not themself.","Have a character that has brought back at least one crew memebr from death directly cause their own death.")
("Oops","100","Nice going, mister “I totally know what I'm doing”!","Total party kill your entire crew with a mistake by someone on that crew.")
("Skip to the Good Part","100","Everything before Fortuna is just fluff.","Complete a one-planet game.")
("Meow","100","Meow Meow Meow Meowww","Have a fauna cat as your captain for more than one planet.")
("I Am Not Cute","100","It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!","Have at least half your crew killed by a creature with the [Cute] trait.")
("Open the Door","100","What lies beyond?","Go through the door on Eden.")
("Extreme Censoring","100","Do not swaer! (sic)","Have a character be killed due to them swearing.")
("Villainous fail","100","Welp, they tried.","Do something evil but have your plans backfire.")
("Not Dead Yet","100","BORN TO DIE, READY TO LIVE!","Make a character with [Final Destination] go to Fortuna")
("Elemental Convergence","100","Long ago, the five elements lived in harmony...","Get a crew consisting of each of the Naturis species to Fortuna")
("Datos League","100","Don't worry, they get used to the pain about halfway through.","Play and win a full-length, officiated game of soccer where the only balls used are datos.")
("Pan-sexual","100","Pan-dering for some goat.","Have a character have a successful romantic relationship with Pan or a Pan unit.")
("Equine Crew","100","Lots of horsin' around.","Have a Helios ship with only horse-themed crew members and fauna.")
("A Teacher's Betrayal","100","When your own teacher kills you...","Have a Helios unit kill someone they consider their student.")
("A Teacher's Vengeance","100","You should have seen this coming from a mile away.","Have Helios or a Helios unit kill someone who killed their student.")
("Hybrids!","100","So many babies!","Have an entire crew of just hybrids.")
("Continuity","100","Well this can't possibly be good.","Have an important character be possessed by Kyle Continuous.")
("LEEROY JENKINS","100","LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!","Have a character go into a battle running, screaming, and shooting, then somehow win.")
("Witch On The Lam","100","She's still a sore loser.","Discover the hiding place of Hecate v1.")
("Seeing Double","100","They were annoying enough already, and you had to make another one?","Clone a crew member")
("McFri'd","100","Why would you waste your time doing that?","Go back to the past solely to teach one of your crew's ancestors how to make fried food.")
("Visit Kivver","100","Someone actually visited Kivver?","Visit the planet Kivver.")
("Eternal Nemesis","100","Nemesis will remember this.","Make an enemy out of Nemesis v1")
("Pirate!","100","Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!","Recruit a pirate or other criminal, and then be betrayed.")
("Dead in the water","100","You did it. You went beyond the impossible. You died before you could live.","Lose Fortuna BEFORE you even get to the first planet.")
("Blast the Past","100","Oh, it's YOU again!","Kill a playable character from a past game.")
("Bummer","100","This trip was a real let down......","Do a play through where for at least 50% of the game your crew has low morale.")
("Off Course","100","It's not on the map, but whatever, let's do this!","Go to a planet that does not bring you closer to getting to Fortuna.")
("Welcome Party","100","Welcome to the universe!","Meet ten or more alien races.")
("So Much to See","100","And this is just the start.","See ten or more planets, without needing to land on them.")
("Bob","100","Yes, this is Bob","Confuse a generic into believing one of your characters is a generic.")
("X-beings","100","All psychic, all the time.","Have a crew consisting only of at least five characters with psychic powers.")
("Doomed Captain","100","! will go down with the ship.","Have the captain die on Fortuna")
("Cruelty-free Tuna","100","No pain, all the gains.","Don't get a single crew member killed at Fortuna")
("Compulsive Shipper","100","All your ships are bad.","Try to engage a crew of five or more people with at least five ship combinations. They do not need to succeed, just attempted.")
("Catasrophy","100","How did you survive?","Slay a Katasrofi bird queen on Mendac-Ium.")
("Riddle Me This","100","What makes you a terrible person the longer you play it?","Solve a riddle from Hades")
("War Was Beginning","101","Time to fight.","Start a war. Any war.")
("Rigor Mortis","120","They said it was too late.... Well, surprise.","Use necromancy on someone that died more than a year ago.")
("Be efficient","150","sssssssshBAAAAAAAHHHHHMMMM","Kill two or more combatants with one shot.")
("Slave Trader","150","A deal is a deal, and you're a horrible person.","Sell a crewmember.")
("It's Hip","150","You know what this is.","Unlock an apidee hybrid for your next game.")
("The Caesar","150","Ouch, a lot of people must hate ya!","Get stabbed 22 times without dying.")
("Unicorn Blood","150","Any mode. High difficulty","Kill a unicorn with a character who is cursing or would otherwise provoke a unicorn.")
("Bygones","150","She deserves this.","Help Hecate v1 to get over her troubles.")
("Lucky Escape","150","This is a really neat dog.","End a boss fight by distracting the boss,")
("Best vacation ever","150","¡Dios mío!","Amaze a tourist so much that they drop dead right on the spot.")