RE: Trading Doodles and Species tickets for Data entry (copy and pasting for 30 minutes)
02-05-2019, 02:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 02:39 AM by ShiningKatana.)
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("Adaptive",0,"This character is more able to survive in an unfavorable environment, given time. This character is able to handle radical changes without folding under pressure.",0)
("Adventurous","[Brave]","This character will answer the call to adventure more often than not. With this trait they are more likely to run into places with more loot to be found. This character is less daunted by certain situations and morale is raised whenever they’re put in an adventurous situation. This character may have fears, but they’re willing to meet it face to face.",0)
("Always On Time","[Never Late] [Punctual]","This character will always do things at the scheduled time or when told to. Most of the time they will even be way ahead of time to make sure they don’t miss anything. This character will also encourage others around them to not be late.",0)
("Animal Communer",0,"This character is more likely to be in tune with animals. While they cannot speak “animal” they are able to understand their emotions and the animal is likely able to understand them.",0)
("Artful Dodger","[Good Dodger]","This character is a good dodger, and they will have a better chance of avoiding attacks.",0)
("Attractive","[Beautiful] [Handsome] [Sexy]","Most people find this character to be very attractive. They can charm others with their looks alone, and will often recieve special attention as a result.",0)
("Auto-Translator","[Does not need a translator]","This character can translate what a person is saying even without hearing the language before.","This trait is an aftik-only trait.")
("Body Builder","[Toned]","This character has spent their life working on themselves, being naturally muscular looking. This character can break the 10 strength cap and go up to 15.",0)
("Built-In Compass","[Orientator]","This character will always know where north is, even if there is no way to discern where north is.",0)
("Built-in Weapons","[Unnatural Weapon]","This character was born with weapons, or has fused weapons with their flesh.","This trait is for clockworks only. Any other weapon that is attached to a character is considered an item.")
("Bullet Sponge","[Laser Erasure]","This character takes reduced damage from ranged weapons.","Does not include thrown weapons like spears.")
("Calligraphy Champion",0,"This character has fantastic handwriting. Any written material they make has a professional feel and boosts the emotions felt by the piece. This can cause people to be riled up more by a call to action, or feel more calmed by a poster saying to ignore something.",0)
("Calming Presence","[Lodestone]","This character has an effect on other characters ranging from calming the aggressive and adversarial drives of other organic beings, producing a slight euphoric feeling, producing a sense of trust, or slight sedation. This works on organic beings only; [Lodestone] applies to mechanical beings.",0)
("Can Walk on Walls","Wall-Walker Sticky Feet","This character can walk on walls.",0)
("Changed","[Changed X] [Changed for the better]","This character has been changed for the statistically better. This trait is only gained when a character undergoes a major, most likely sudden change.",0)
("Charming Drunk",0,"This character will receive a small bonus in charisma when they are wasted. This does not make them any less drunk.",0)
("Charismatic",0,"This character automatically gains 10 in Charisma.","This trait is only allowed with controller traits such as Moodmeter.")
("Chic Magnet","[Stylish] [Fashionable]","This character has a sense of fashion and will get a boost in charisma when talking to other characters that like fashion.",0)
("Chick Magnet","[Bird Magnet] [Hatoful Boyfriend]","This character attracts a lot of birds to them of various shapes, sizes, and sentience levels. This character is really for the birds!",0)
("Chip Magnet","[Magnetic Attraction]","This character’s Charisma is boosted to a 10 with robots and AIs. Robots and AIs will commonly find this character attractive.",0)
("Code Talker",0,"This character is able to decipher any coded speech, writing, or just about anything else that's in code if given enough time.",0)
("Commanding","[Dominant]","This character is a natural-born leader. Crewmates and strangers alike will feel compelled to follow their command, even if they are otherwise unwilling to work together.",0)
("Compassionate","[Empathetic] [Sensitive]","This character is not only considerate of others, but is also very understanding of other's issues. This person is good at seeing things from other's points of view and seeing how people's issues would make them feel. Others may want to talk to this character about their problems as they will understand, and may feel bad for them and try to comfort them. However, their sensitive side means it may be easier to hurt this character's feelings.",0)
("Confident",0,"This character is confident in what they do and rarely ever doubts themselves or the people they believe in. They’re able to trust people and can raise the morale of people they trust.",0)
("Contortionist","[Bendy] [Ultimate Acrobat]","This character can fit themselves into small spaces and are quick on their feet. This character's agility stat goes beyond the 10 rule.",0)
("Connections","[Connections to X]","This character has some sort of important connection to someone else. These connections often times owe the character a few favors.",0)
("Cooperative","[Team Oriented]","This character does wonderfully in team situations and is always willing to follow plans. This character is almost always ready and willing to help and others rarely feel this character is dragging their feet in a team related operation.",0)
("Cunning","[Deceptive] [Trickster] [Illusionist]","This character is crafty when it comes to lying and deception, able to more easily trick others to get what they want. They may also have a knack for illusions.",0)
("Currency control",0,"This character can control the worthless paper money from the speddaris' homeworld. They do not have control over any other kind of currency.","This trait is restricted to speddaris, no other species can have this trait.")
("Cute","[Adorable]","Aww, well aren’t you just precious! People are easily endeared to this character with their puppy-like look. Their presence is often additionally capable of increasing morale for the crew, assuming they like sweet things.",0)
("Detrivore","[Can eat trash]","This character takes no penalties from eating rotten or rancid rations. In fact, it’s good for them.",0)
("Diligent","[Hard-working] [Perfectionist] [Dedicated] [Efficient]","This character is commonly hard-working and is unlikely to fail most of their tasks. This character is also careful with their work and makes less mistakes than most.",0)
("Direct","[Direct with Statements] [To the Point] [Straightforward]","This character is to the point with most things they say. Other characters appreciate this and do not lose sanity when speaking to this character no matter what is being spoken about, unless the other character has a trait that causes them to panic. Conversations with this character tend to be short.",0)
("Disciplined",0,"This character has a certain behavior or way of working. This behavior is usually helpful to their group and commonly promotes teamwork. This character is less likely to disobey commands, is less likely to lose sanity and will likely follow routine.",0)
("Durable","[Hardy] [Unbreakable] [Strong Boned]","This character is known for being very durable and hard to break.","A character with this trait may not have their Endurance stat drop below 6.")
("Eloquent Writer","[Extremely Online] [Forceful Stage Presence]","Depending on skill level, this character gets an added +1 to +5 boost to their charisma stat when communicating in a specific medium that they feel more at home in, whether through some form of the written word, online chat/discourse, charades/pantomime, or some other non-standard form of communication that they specialize in. A +1 boost would be someone who is well-trained in that medium, while a +5 is a one-in-a-million talent whose skill level has likely required some sort of significant trade-off to achieve.",0)
("Escape Artist","[Houdini]","This character will almost always manage to get out of sticky situations.",0)
("Expansive",0,"This character is capable of expanded stat performance, traits, skills and/or abilities through some sort of expansion pack system or through external adaptions. Characters with this trait usually have lower base stats if the system they use gives them a boost in stat points. Only one expansion pack with the specific abilities and stat boosts it gives may be enabled at a time. Changing from one pack to another takes one turn to complete.",0)
("Fireproof","[Fire resistant] [Immune to fire]","This character is unaffected or is affected by fire very little. This character would be able to walk into a burning house with little to no damage.",0)
("Flier","[Flight] [Aerial]","Through wings or otherwise, this character is able to fly.",0)
("Forecast","[Cloud nine] [Weathervane]","This character, whether by a naturalist's intuition or years of study, is very good at predicting the weather. They can sense the forecast in a new location just by glancing at the sky or feeling the breeze on their face. Characters with this trait will usually be prepared for all but the most extreme weather patterns.",0)
("Free Wifi","[Good Data Plan]","For some reason this character produces a fairly fast Wifi signal and gets service nearly everywhere but the middle of space.",0)
("Getaway",0,"This character always seems to slip away at the last moment. Whenever they are in a group, they automatically escape if they try.","This trait cannot be applied characters with agility under 5.")
("Get Lucky","[Good Feeling About This]","When this trait is active, this character's luck becomes 10.","This trait can only be used with an activator trait, such as [Moodmeter].")
("Goliath","[BigMcLargeHuge]","This character is bigger, stronger, and more durable than their peers by a fairly significant amount, often towering over their smaller kin. Tends to have various size related issues, such as having to duck when going through doorways and having a hard time finding equipment in their size.",0)
("Green Thumb",0,"This character is very skilled at growing all sorts of plants with little failure. Character also has a charisma and intelligence bonus when talking to, or about, plants / plant based species. Character commonly is a gardener, hobby or otherwise.",0)
("Hard Bargainer","[Cheapskate]","This character knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to haggling down prices and sniffing out good deals. When browsing through shops, items being sold may be listed for much less than they’re worth.",0)
("High Senses","[Awesome sense of X]","This character has fantastic X senses or has high senses in general.",0)
("Hot Seat","[Wheelmaster] [Cavalry]","This character is instinctively adept at the control of any vehicle or ridden creature they attempt to pilot or command, able to make maneuvers even when in stressfull situations.",0)
("Humorous","[Jokester] [Humourous]","This character likes making jokes and doing funny things. They greatly entertain others and make them laugh, raising morale.",0)
("Indestructible","[Iron-Clad]","This character's Endurance raises to 10 when this trait is active.","This trait can only be used with an activator trait, such as [Moodmeter]")
("Indomitable","[Strongman]","While this trait is active, Strength is always 10.","This trait can only be used with controlling traits like Moodmeter.")
("Inspirational",0,"This character inspires those around them to do their best! Characters will do tasks better with this character around. An inspirational speech done by this character will cause morale to go way up for a whole group.",0)
("Insulated",0,"This character is immune to extreme cold.",0)
("Inventive","[Macgyver] [Resourceful] [Creative] [Imaginative]","This character is able to easily come up with new ideas and may be able to lessen the cost for current items. In a tough situation this character is likely able to use simple items to create make-shift weapons or items.",0)
("Investment",0,"A third party has taken interest in ensuring this character succeeds. Each new planet they will be left a package from this benefactor, containing items and/or credits. In exchange, they are required to handle small errands through their travels.",0)
("Iron Stomach",0,"This character can resist or is outright immune to the harmful effects of ingested substances.",0)
("Jack of Trades","[Jack] [Wide skill range] [Multitalented]","This character knows about a lot and if the situation calls for it they are able to do many things outside of their job title with no formal education on the subject. This character will not be the best at it or particularly good but will be able to do it.",0)
("Knowledge of X","[Knows about X] [Educated about X]","This character knows a lot of info about X. This does not mean that this character can do things relating to X, only that they know the ins and outs of X.",0)
("Legal Loophole","[Technically Not Lying] [Argues Like A Lawyer]","This character is capable of confusing or arguing their case well enough to confuse most people into agreeing. Utilizes intelligence instead of charisma in appropriate situations to boost the chances of convincing the other even when they make little real sense.",0)
("Lie Detector",0,"This character is able to tell when people are lying to them much easier than others. They are more honed into visual and auditory mistakes or tics.",0)
("Logical",0,"This character is very logical about things and never jumps to assumptions if possible. They are more likely to make very educated guesses and more rational choices even if they do not agree with the choices emotionally.",0)
("Mind Control",0,"This character can control the minds of others, usually only one at a time unless trained extremely well. How powerful Mind Control is depends on the intelligence of the character, with 1 intelligence meaning the person being controlled can break away from control after a bit of struggle, and 10 meaning breaking away is a hard task. Characters with higher intelligence or willpower based traits are hard, sometimes impossible to control.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow mind control.")
("Mind Editor","[Memory Leak] [Mental Destroyers] [Mind Wiper]","This character has the power to either wipe, edit, or add memories to others. If the person notices that their memory has been changed they will go into great distress.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow mind editing. These powers are considered illegal.)
("Mind Reader",0,"This character can hear the thoughts of others. Thus they are able to perceive what someone is really thinking at any given moment, regardless of what they may say or do. This is sometimes helpful in predicting an enemy's next move.","This trait is limited to members of species with some degree of telepathy.")
("Moneymaker","[Prosperous]","Characters with this trait tend to be wealthy and successful. They are good with money and will often find ways to make themselves and their allies richer.",0)
("Motivated","[Has drive] [Determined] [Determination]","This character doesn’t lose morale as fast and commonly is passionate about what is being done. They will find a way to figure things out in even the toughest of situations. They cannot hit lower than 0 morale.",0)
("Multilingual","[Polyglot] [Bilingual]","Through usually quite a lot of research and training, this character may know two or more languages. Of course this doesn't mean they know every single language nor do they know every single word of said language.",0)
("Multitarget","[High Noon] [Two Birds, One Stone]","For whatever reason, be it due to having telekinetic powers for holding additional weapons, or having several pairs of limbs, this character can attack more than once during their turn while in combat.",0)
("Multitasker",0,"This character is able to handle doing multiple tasks at the same time, and remembering exact instructions for them. Characters with this trait will generally prefer to handle multiple things at once.",0)
("Never Panics","[DON’T PANIC] [Clear-Headed] [Calm Under Pressure] [Cool Under Pressure]","When situations come at this character, they remain calm and collected. They are able to think clearly in nearly all situations.",0)
("Never Sleeps",0,"This character will never sleep and will not have any ill effects due to lack of sleep.
Restrictions: This trait is restricted to kuppas and other species who naturally do not sleep. No other species can have this trait.",0)
("Observant","[Perceptive] [Vigilant] [Very Perceptive] [Discerning]","This character notices things far quicker than most other types of characters. They are more likely to make observations about hidden passageways or certain special objects. They overall make better judgements than others.",0)
("Optimistic","[Upbeat] [High-spirited]","This character doesn’t lose morale as fast and can never hit negative morale. No matter what the situation, this character will keep their head up high and may raise the morale of others. The optimistic trait may drain sanity if the character is in a bad situation for a long amount of time.",0)
("Organized","[Orderly] [Neat] [Tidy]","This character keeps things in order. As long as this character is around, objects are less likely to go to waste or be stolen, and if they do they will be noticed right away.",0)
("Pack Mule","[Big Pockets]","This character can carry +4 more than what their stats would normally allow.",0)
("Passionate About X",0,"The character has a strong passion for some area. They might know more about this stuff than others, or may perform better on tasks relating to this topic than someone else with equivalent traits and skills.",0)
("Persuasive","[Convincing] [Compelling]","This character not only has a way with words but people are ready and willing to listen. This trait means this character has a better chance when trying to convince a character to do a deed. Sometimes this character might even be willing to convince others to do things they'd never even consider before.",0)
("Photographic Memory","[Elephant Memory]","This character has been remembering everything since the very start of their memories. They can recall incredibly fine details from things that happened years ago and they can almost instantly memorize anything they see or witness.",0)
("Plant Communer","[Plant Charmer] [Floral Patterned]","Individual has some ability to be able to communicate with plants, and is naturally charismatic to them. Individual may have some physical quantity that denotes them as ‘floral patterned’, whether having a flower patterned attire, or birthmark, or being a plant themselves.",0)
("Polite","[Repectful]","This character is very polite. Most character may find them pleasant to talk with and will gain a sanity bonus when interacting with them.",0)
("Popular","[Makes Friends Easily]","This character is popular around others and tends to know just the right words to use in a situation. Characters are less likely to look negatively on this character and morale raises while speaking to them.",0)
("Pragmatic","[Down to Earth] [Practical]","This character is very down to earth about things and sees the universe as it is. They’re not going to sugar coat it but they’re not going to feel bad about it either. This character does not allow their judgement about situations be clouded by emotions. If they had the choice to save a single loved one and 100 people they would pick the latter.",0)
("Professional throwing","[Far tosser]","This character can throw things very far, for every point invested in strength, the faster what is thrown will go.",0)
("Produces X",0,"When content and healthy, this character produces something valuable at regular intervals. This may be a species-wide trait, for example producing silk or caffeinated blood, or a trait for an individual who likes making small toys for instance.","The product must be something capable of being stored in an inventory, like rations, fuel or materials. Depending on the end product, the character may consume pre-requisite materials.")
("Protective","[Selfless]","This character is likely to know when things are going wrong with anyone they’re protecting / anyone on their team. A protective character will defend them whenever possible. Endurance obtains a slight raise when the protective trait is active.",0)
("Prudent",0,"This character is unlikely to lose sanity in most situations, only being affected by something like a death, even then not by much.",0)
("Psychic Powers",0,"This character has a general psychic power trait which means they may have one or more psychic powers. Due to this being a general trait, most characters with it have not mastered any powers but know more than one. If they have mastered any powers, they use that as their trait.","This trait is restricted to species who are allowed to have psychic powers.")
("Quartermaster","[Trail Guide] [Local Expert]","This character is resourceful with foraging, hunting, and trading in many sectors, and are likely to share their expertise with crew members.",0)
("Quickdraw","[Gunslinger]","This character ignores agility checks on their target when using ranged weapons. They will always get the first move, regardless of how fast their opponents are.",0)
("Quick Thinker","[Good reflexes]","This character is fast to think of solutions to sudden issues, and quicker to react to danger.",0)
("Rarely Misses","[Pinpoint Operator] [Sharp aim] [Bullseye Shot]","This character almost never misses a shot. This may apply just to skills they have been trained in. For instance, a surgeon with this skill would be extremely unlikely to miss a small, precise incision that a normal surgeon might slip up on.",0)
("Respectful",0,"This character is respectful and will respect the wishes of others or at the very least will make a compromise. Many others will feel safer talking to this character after their first talk and talking to them raises sanity and morale.",0)
("Role Model","[Model Citizen] [Model X] [Symbol of X]","This character is the apex citizen/employee/etc. and etc. They're exemplary at what they do, and have a good reputation to boot, so others will typically look to them for guidance. These other characters will emulate the role model's behavior to some degree, causing a contagion of the role model's virtues.",0)
("Salesman","[Show Me the Money]","When it comes to selling things, this character knows just what to say to make quite the convincing sales pitch. Items sold by this character are likely able to fetch a hefty sum.",0)
("Schadenfreude",0,"This character enjoys it when bad things happen to other people, and will gain a boost in morale from witnessing it. They don’t try to make this happen themselves and deaths will still upset them.",0)
("Skilled at X","[Experienced at X] [Great X] [Great at X]","This character is very skilled in X, and they are better at it than the average Joe. This character has likely had X as a job before and knows the ins and outs of X.",0)
("Small Eater","[Not hungry often] [Infrequent Eater] [Rarely eats] [Low Metabolism]","This character consumes half the normal amount of rations.",0)
("Social","[Social Butterfly]","This character is more likely to start conversations with others and bring people together. If a character wishes to speak to someone in a group this character is in, this character will likely be the first one they go to.",0)
("Sound Barrier",0,"This character is immune to the effects of loud noises and enjoys a small speed bonus in deafening environments. This character likely listens to loud music for fun.",0)
("Spikes","[Quills] [Shocking] [Too Hot to Handle] [Do Not Touch]","This character has some sort of natural or built-in protective feature such as quills, spikes, exposed electricity, etc. that result in damage to those who touch that part of them without proper precaution. This feature can be temporarily (or permanently) lost based on overuse or deliberate removal.",0)
("Stealthy","[Sneaky]","This character is skilled at performing tasks without being seen or heard. They are good at avoiding detection and are much less likely to be caught doing things without permission.",0)
("Street Smart",0,"This character knows the streets very well and knows when things are going wrong. This character is also the opposite of gullible and knows all the tricks in the book, and they’ll be happy to call it out.",0)
("Sweet Scent","[Smells Good] [Come Get a Whiff of This!]","This character, whether it be by natural means or a cologne/perfume, has a scent that is appealing other to people. If the other characters(s) can smell this odor, this character will gain a slight boost in charisma.","This trait will not activate if the other party does not have any type of scent glands to smell this character with or does not have an adequately developed sense of smell.")
("Telepathy","[Telepathic]","This character can speak to other characters using telepathy. This may also mean the character is able to also hear the thoughts of the other people but this is not always the case.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow")
("Thick Skin","[Tough It Out] [Numb]","This character has developed a tolerance for pain, while they can still feel and recognise any pain they may experience it does not break their focus, allowing them to act uninhibited until they choose to address the issue.",0)
("Willpower","[Strong-Willed]","This character is resistant to influences of the mental variety, even those that are psychic in nature. They have a strong sense of self-control, and are more capable of fighting back if someone tries to invade their mind or otherwise manipulate them.",0)
("Xmancer","[Xmancy] [X control]","In which X equals almost anything. This character knows how to control X to their will or even summon X if needed. The power of the X depends on the character’s strength and intelligence, and how long the X lasts in their control depends on endurance.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow Xmancy.")
("X Slayer","[X Hunter] [X Killer]","This character is experienced in combat with X type of opponent and gains an attack bonus against them. The more specific the typing, the greater the bonus.",0)
("Adaptive",0,"This character is more able to survive in an unfavorable environment, given time. This character is able to handle radical changes without folding under pressure.",0)
("Adventurous","[Brave]","This character will answer the call to adventure more often than not. With this trait they are more likely to run into places with more loot to be found. This character is less daunted by certain situations and morale is raised whenever they’re put in an adventurous situation. This character may have fears, but they’re willing to meet it face to face.",0)
("Always On Time","[Never Late] [Punctual]","This character will always do things at the scheduled time or when told to. Most of the time they will even be way ahead of time to make sure they don’t miss anything. This character will also encourage others around them to not be late.",0)
("Animal Communer",0,"This character is more likely to be in tune with animals. While they cannot speak “animal” they are able to understand their emotions and the animal is likely able to understand them.",0)
("Artful Dodger","[Good Dodger]","This character is a good dodger, and they will have a better chance of avoiding attacks.",0)
("Attractive","[Beautiful] [Handsome] [Sexy]","Most people find this character to be very attractive. They can charm others with their looks alone, and will often recieve special attention as a result.",0)
("Auto-Translator","[Does not need a translator]","This character can translate what a person is saying even without hearing the language before.","This trait is an aftik-only trait.")
("Body Builder","[Toned]","This character has spent their life working on themselves, being naturally muscular looking. This character can break the 10 strength cap and go up to 15.",0)
("Built-In Compass","[Orientator]","This character will always know where north is, even if there is no way to discern where north is.",0)
("Built-in Weapons","[Unnatural Weapon]","This character was born with weapons, or has fused weapons with their flesh.","This trait is for clockworks only. Any other weapon that is attached to a character is considered an item.")
("Bullet Sponge","[Laser Erasure]","This character takes reduced damage from ranged weapons.","Does not include thrown weapons like spears.")
("Calligraphy Champion",0,"This character has fantastic handwriting. Any written material they make has a professional feel and boosts the emotions felt by the piece. This can cause people to be riled up more by a call to action, or feel more calmed by a poster saying to ignore something.",0)
("Calming Presence","[Lodestone]","This character has an effect on other characters ranging from calming the aggressive and adversarial drives of other organic beings, producing a slight euphoric feeling, producing a sense of trust, or slight sedation. This works on organic beings only; [Lodestone] applies to mechanical beings.",0)
("Can Walk on Walls","Wall-Walker Sticky Feet","This character can walk on walls.",0)
("Changed","[Changed X] [Changed for the better]","This character has been changed for the statistically better. This trait is only gained when a character undergoes a major, most likely sudden change.",0)
("Charming Drunk",0,"This character will receive a small bonus in charisma when they are wasted. This does not make them any less drunk.",0)
("Charismatic",0,"This character automatically gains 10 in Charisma.","This trait is only allowed with controller traits such as Moodmeter.")
("Chic Magnet","[Stylish] [Fashionable]","This character has a sense of fashion and will get a boost in charisma when talking to other characters that like fashion.",0)
("Chick Magnet","[Bird Magnet] [Hatoful Boyfriend]","This character attracts a lot of birds to them of various shapes, sizes, and sentience levels. This character is really for the birds!",0)
("Chip Magnet","[Magnetic Attraction]","This character’s Charisma is boosted to a 10 with robots and AIs. Robots and AIs will commonly find this character attractive.",0)
("Code Talker",0,"This character is able to decipher any coded speech, writing, or just about anything else that's in code if given enough time.",0)
("Commanding","[Dominant]","This character is a natural-born leader. Crewmates and strangers alike will feel compelled to follow their command, even if they are otherwise unwilling to work together.",0)
("Compassionate","[Empathetic] [Sensitive]","This character is not only considerate of others, but is also very understanding of other's issues. This person is good at seeing things from other's points of view and seeing how people's issues would make them feel. Others may want to talk to this character about their problems as they will understand, and may feel bad for them and try to comfort them. However, their sensitive side means it may be easier to hurt this character's feelings.",0)
("Confident",0,"This character is confident in what they do and rarely ever doubts themselves or the people they believe in. They’re able to trust people and can raise the morale of people they trust.",0)
("Contortionist","[Bendy] [Ultimate Acrobat]","This character can fit themselves into small spaces and are quick on their feet. This character's agility stat goes beyond the 10 rule.",0)
("Connections","[Connections to X]","This character has some sort of important connection to someone else. These connections often times owe the character a few favors.",0)
("Cooperative","[Team Oriented]","This character does wonderfully in team situations and is always willing to follow plans. This character is almost always ready and willing to help and others rarely feel this character is dragging their feet in a team related operation.",0)
("Cunning","[Deceptive] [Trickster] [Illusionist]","This character is crafty when it comes to lying and deception, able to more easily trick others to get what they want. They may also have a knack for illusions.",0)
("Currency control",0,"This character can control the worthless paper money from the speddaris' homeworld. They do not have control over any other kind of currency.","This trait is restricted to speddaris, no other species can have this trait.")
("Cute","[Adorable]","Aww, well aren’t you just precious! People are easily endeared to this character with their puppy-like look. Their presence is often additionally capable of increasing morale for the crew, assuming they like sweet things.",0)
("Detrivore","[Can eat trash]","This character takes no penalties from eating rotten or rancid rations. In fact, it’s good for them.",0)
("Diligent","[Hard-working] [Perfectionist] [Dedicated] [Efficient]","This character is commonly hard-working and is unlikely to fail most of their tasks. This character is also careful with their work and makes less mistakes than most.",0)
("Direct","[Direct with Statements] [To the Point] [Straightforward]","This character is to the point with most things they say. Other characters appreciate this and do not lose sanity when speaking to this character no matter what is being spoken about, unless the other character has a trait that causes them to panic. Conversations with this character tend to be short.",0)
("Disciplined",0,"This character has a certain behavior or way of working. This behavior is usually helpful to their group and commonly promotes teamwork. This character is less likely to disobey commands, is less likely to lose sanity and will likely follow routine.",0)
("Durable","[Hardy] [Unbreakable] [Strong Boned]","This character is known for being very durable and hard to break.","A character with this trait may not have their Endurance stat drop below 6.")
("Eloquent Writer","[Extremely Online] [Forceful Stage Presence]","Depending on skill level, this character gets an added +1 to +5 boost to their charisma stat when communicating in a specific medium that they feel more at home in, whether through some form of the written word, online chat/discourse, charades/pantomime, or some other non-standard form of communication that they specialize in. A +1 boost would be someone who is well-trained in that medium, while a +5 is a one-in-a-million talent whose skill level has likely required some sort of significant trade-off to achieve.",0)
("Escape Artist","[Houdini]","This character will almost always manage to get out of sticky situations.",0)
("Expansive",0,"This character is capable of expanded stat performance, traits, skills and/or abilities through some sort of expansion pack system or through external adaptions. Characters with this trait usually have lower base stats if the system they use gives them a boost in stat points. Only one expansion pack with the specific abilities and stat boosts it gives may be enabled at a time. Changing from one pack to another takes one turn to complete.",0)
("Fireproof","[Fire resistant] [Immune to fire]","This character is unaffected or is affected by fire very little. This character would be able to walk into a burning house with little to no damage.",0)
("Flier","[Flight] [Aerial]","Through wings or otherwise, this character is able to fly.",0)
("Forecast","[Cloud nine] [Weathervane]","This character, whether by a naturalist's intuition or years of study, is very good at predicting the weather. They can sense the forecast in a new location just by glancing at the sky or feeling the breeze on their face. Characters with this trait will usually be prepared for all but the most extreme weather patterns.",0)
("Free Wifi","[Good Data Plan]","For some reason this character produces a fairly fast Wifi signal and gets service nearly everywhere but the middle of space.",0)
("Getaway",0,"This character always seems to slip away at the last moment. Whenever they are in a group, they automatically escape if they try.","This trait cannot be applied characters with agility under 5.")
("Get Lucky","[Good Feeling About This]","When this trait is active, this character's luck becomes 10.","This trait can only be used with an activator trait, such as [Moodmeter].")
("Goliath","[BigMcLargeHuge]","This character is bigger, stronger, and more durable than their peers by a fairly significant amount, often towering over their smaller kin. Tends to have various size related issues, such as having to duck when going through doorways and having a hard time finding equipment in their size.",0)
("Green Thumb",0,"This character is very skilled at growing all sorts of plants with little failure. Character also has a charisma and intelligence bonus when talking to, or about, plants / plant based species. Character commonly is a gardener, hobby or otherwise.",0)
("Hard Bargainer","[Cheapskate]","This character knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to haggling down prices and sniffing out good deals. When browsing through shops, items being sold may be listed for much less than they’re worth.",0)
("High Senses","[Awesome sense of X]","This character has fantastic X senses or has high senses in general.",0)
("Hot Seat","[Wheelmaster] [Cavalry]","This character is instinctively adept at the control of any vehicle or ridden creature they attempt to pilot or command, able to make maneuvers even when in stressfull situations.",0)
("Humorous","[Jokester] [Humourous]","This character likes making jokes and doing funny things. They greatly entertain others and make them laugh, raising morale.",0)
("Indestructible","[Iron-Clad]","This character's Endurance raises to 10 when this trait is active.","This trait can only be used with an activator trait, such as [Moodmeter]")
("Indomitable","[Strongman]","While this trait is active, Strength is always 10.","This trait can only be used with controlling traits like Moodmeter.")
("Inspirational",0,"This character inspires those around them to do their best! Characters will do tasks better with this character around. An inspirational speech done by this character will cause morale to go way up for a whole group.",0)
("Insulated",0,"This character is immune to extreme cold.",0)
("Inventive","[Macgyver] [Resourceful] [Creative] [Imaginative]","This character is able to easily come up with new ideas and may be able to lessen the cost for current items. In a tough situation this character is likely able to use simple items to create make-shift weapons or items.",0)
("Investment",0,"A third party has taken interest in ensuring this character succeeds. Each new planet they will be left a package from this benefactor, containing items and/or credits. In exchange, they are required to handle small errands through their travels.",0)
("Iron Stomach",0,"This character can resist or is outright immune to the harmful effects of ingested substances.",0)
("Jack of Trades","[Jack] [Wide skill range] [Multitalented]","This character knows about a lot and if the situation calls for it they are able to do many things outside of their job title with no formal education on the subject. This character will not be the best at it or particularly good but will be able to do it.",0)
("Knowledge of X","[Knows about X] [Educated about X]","This character knows a lot of info about X. This does not mean that this character can do things relating to X, only that they know the ins and outs of X.",0)
("Legal Loophole","[Technically Not Lying] [Argues Like A Lawyer]","This character is capable of confusing or arguing their case well enough to confuse most people into agreeing. Utilizes intelligence instead of charisma in appropriate situations to boost the chances of convincing the other even when they make little real sense.",0)
("Lie Detector",0,"This character is able to tell when people are lying to them much easier than others. They are more honed into visual and auditory mistakes or tics.",0)
("Logical",0,"This character is very logical about things and never jumps to assumptions if possible. They are more likely to make very educated guesses and more rational choices even if they do not agree with the choices emotionally.",0)
("Mind Control",0,"This character can control the minds of others, usually only one at a time unless trained extremely well. How powerful Mind Control is depends on the intelligence of the character, with 1 intelligence meaning the person being controlled can break away from control after a bit of struggle, and 10 meaning breaking away is a hard task. Characters with higher intelligence or willpower based traits are hard, sometimes impossible to control.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow mind control.")
("Mind Editor","[Memory Leak] [Mental Destroyers] [Mind Wiper]","This character has the power to either wipe, edit, or add memories to others. If the person notices that their memory has been changed they will go into great distress.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow mind editing. These powers are considered illegal.)
("Mind Reader",0,"This character can hear the thoughts of others. Thus they are able to perceive what someone is really thinking at any given moment, regardless of what they may say or do. This is sometimes helpful in predicting an enemy's next move.","This trait is limited to members of species with some degree of telepathy.")
("Moneymaker","[Prosperous]","Characters with this trait tend to be wealthy and successful. They are good with money and will often find ways to make themselves and their allies richer.",0)
("Motivated","[Has drive] [Determined] [Determination]","This character doesn’t lose morale as fast and commonly is passionate about what is being done. They will find a way to figure things out in even the toughest of situations. They cannot hit lower than 0 morale.",0)
("Multilingual","[Polyglot] [Bilingual]","Through usually quite a lot of research and training, this character may know two or more languages. Of course this doesn't mean they know every single language nor do they know every single word of said language.",0)
("Multitarget","[High Noon] [Two Birds, One Stone]","For whatever reason, be it due to having telekinetic powers for holding additional weapons, or having several pairs of limbs, this character can attack more than once during their turn while in combat.",0)
("Multitasker",0,"This character is able to handle doing multiple tasks at the same time, and remembering exact instructions for them. Characters with this trait will generally prefer to handle multiple things at once.",0)
("Never Panics","[DON’T PANIC] [Clear-Headed] [Calm Under Pressure] [Cool Under Pressure]","When situations come at this character, they remain calm and collected. They are able to think clearly in nearly all situations.",0)
("Never Sleeps",0,"This character will never sleep and will not have any ill effects due to lack of sleep.
Restrictions: This trait is restricted to kuppas and other species who naturally do not sleep. No other species can have this trait.",0)
("Observant","[Perceptive] [Vigilant] [Very Perceptive] [Discerning]","This character notices things far quicker than most other types of characters. They are more likely to make observations about hidden passageways or certain special objects. They overall make better judgements than others.",0)
("Optimistic","[Upbeat] [High-spirited]","This character doesn’t lose morale as fast and can never hit negative morale. No matter what the situation, this character will keep their head up high and may raise the morale of others. The optimistic trait may drain sanity if the character is in a bad situation for a long amount of time.",0)
("Organized","[Orderly] [Neat] [Tidy]","This character keeps things in order. As long as this character is around, objects are less likely to go to waste or be stolen, and if they do they will be noticed right away.",0)
("Pack Mule","[Big Pockets]","This character can carry +4 more than what their stats would normally allow.",0)
("Passionate About X",0,"The character has a strong passion for some area. They might know more about this stuff than others, or may perform better on tasks relating to this topic than someone else with equivalent traits and skills.",0)
("Persuasive","[Convincing] [Compelling]","This character not only has a way with words but people are ready and willing to listen. This trait means this character has a better chance when trying to convince a character to do a deed. Sometimes this character might even be willing to convince others to do things they'd never even consider before.",0)
("Photographic Memory","[Elephant Memory]","This character has been remembering everything since the very start of their memories. They can recall incredibly fine details from things that happened years ago and they can almost instantly memorize anything they see or witness.",0)
("Plant Communer","[Plant Charmer] [Floral Patterned]","Individual has some ability to be able to communicate with plants, and is naturally charismatic to them. Individual may have some physical quantity that denotes them as ‘floral patterned’, whether having a flower patterned attire, or birthmark, or being a plant themselves.",0)
("Polite","[Repectful]","This character is very polite. Most character may find them pleasant to talk with and will gain a sanity bonus when interacting with them.",0)
("Popular","[Makes Friends Easily]","This character is popular around others and tends to know just the right words to use in a situation. Characters are less likely to look negatively on this character and morale raises while speaking to them.",0)
("Pragmatic","[Down to Earth] [Practical]","This character is very down to earth about things and sees the universe as it is. They’re not going to sugar coat it but they’re not going to feel bad about it either. This character does not allow their judgement about situations be clouded by emotions. If they had the choice to save a single loved one and 100 people they would pick the latter.",0)
("Professional throwing","[Far tosser]","This character can throw things very far, for every point invested in strength, the faster what is thrown will go.",0)
("Produces X",0,"When content and healthy, this character produces something valuable at regular intervals. This may be a species-wide trait, for example producing silk or caffeinated blood, or a trait for an individual who likes making small toys for instance.","The product must be something capable of being stored in an inventory, like rations, fuel or materials. Depending on the end product, the character may consume pre-requisite materials.")
("Protective","[Selfless]","This character is likely to know when things are going wrong with anyone they’re protecting / anyone on their team. A protective character will defend them whenever possible. Endurance obtains a slight raise when the protective trait is active.",0)
("Prudent",0,"This character is unlikely to lose sanity in most situations, only being affected by something like a death, even then not by much.",0)
("Psychic Powers",0,"This character has a general psychic power trait which means they may have one or more psychic powers. Due to this being a general trait, most characters with it have not mastered any powers but know more than one. If they have mastered any powers, they use that as their trait.","This trait is restricted to species who are allowed to have psychic powers.")
("Quartermaster","[Trail Guide] [Local Expert]","This character is resourceful with foraging, hunting, and trading in many sectors, and are likely to share their expertise with crew members.",0)
("Quickdraw","[Gunslinger]","This character ignores agility checks on their target when using ranged weapons. They will always get the first move, regardless of how fast their opponents are.",0)
("Quick Thinker","[Good reflexes]","This character is fast to think of solutions to sudden issues, and quicker to react to danger.",0)
("Rarely Misses","[Pinpoint Operator] [Sharp aim] [Bullseye Shot]","This character almost never misses a shot. This may apply just to skills they have been trained in. For instance, a surgeon with this skill would be extremely unlikely to miss a small, precise incision that a normal surgeon might slip up on.",0)
("Respectful",0,"This character is respectful and will respect the wishes of others or at the very least will make a compromise. Many others will feel safer talking to this character after their first talk and talking to them raises sanity and morale.",0)
("Role Model","[Model Citizen] [Model X] [Symbol of X]","This character is the apex citizen/employee/etc. and etc. They're exemplary at what they do, and have a good reputation to boot, so others will typically look to them for guidance. These other characters will emulate the role model's behavior to some degree, causing a contagion of the role model's virtues.",0)
("Salesman","[Show Me the Money]","When it comes to selling things, this character knows just what to say to make quite the convincing sales pitch. Items sold by this character are likely able to fetch a hefty sum.",0)
("Schadenfreude",0,"This character enjoys it when bad things happen to other people, and will gain a boost in morale from witnessing it. They don’t try to make this happen themselves and deaths will still upset them.",0)
("Skilled at X","[Experienced at X] [Great X] [Great at X]","This character is very skilled in X, and they are better at it than the average Joe. This character has likely had X as a job before and knows the ins and outs of X.",0)
("Small Eater","[Not hungry often] [Infrequent Eater] [Rarely eats] [Low Metabolism]","This character consumes half the normal amount of rations.",0)
("Social","[Social Butterfly]","This character is more likely to start conversations with others and bring people together. If a character wishes to speak to someone in a group this character is in, this character will likely be the first one they go to.",0)
("Sound Barrier",0,"This character is immune to the effects of loud noises and enjoys a small speed bonus in deafening environments. This character likely listens to loud music for fun.",0)
("Spikes","[Quills] [Shocking] [Too Hot to Handle] [Do Not Touch]","This character has some sort of natural or built-in protective feature such as quills, spikes, exposed electricity, etc. that result in damage to those who touch that part of them without proper precaution. This feature can be temporarily (or permanently) lost based on overuse or deliberate removal.",0)
("Stealthy","[Sneaky]","This character is skilled at performing tasks without being seen or heard. They are good at avoiding detection and are much less likely to be caught doing things without permission.",0)
("Street Smart",0,"This character knows the streets very well and knows when things are going wrong. This character is also the opposite of gullible and knows all the tricks in the book, and they’ll be happy to call it out.",0)
("Sweet Scent","[Smells Good] [Come Get a Whiff of This!]","This character, whether it be by natural means or a cologne/perfume, has a scent that is appealing other to people. If the other characters(s) can smell this odor, this character will gain a slight boost in charisma.","This trait will not activate if the other party does not have any type of scent glands to smell this character with or does not have an adequately developed sense of smell.")
("Telepathy","[Telepathic]","This character can speak to other characters using telepathy. This may also mean the character is able to also hear the thoughts of the other people but this is not always the case.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow")
("Thick Skin","[Tough It Out] [Numb]","This character has developed a tolerance for pain, while they can still feel and recognise any pain they may experience it does not break their focus, allowing them to act uninhibited until they choose to address the issue.",0)
("Willpower","[Strong-Willed]","This character is resistant to influences of the mental variety, even those that are psychic in nature. They have a strong sense of self-control, and are more capable of fighting back if someone tries to invade their mind or otherwise manipulate them.",0)
("Xmancer","[Xmancy] [X control]","In which X equals almost anything. This character knows how to control X to their will or even summon X if needed. The power of the X depends on the character’s strength and intelligence, and how long the X lasts in their control depends on endurance.","This trait can only be applied to species that have mental powers which allow Xmancy.")
("X Slayer","[X Hunter] [X Killer]","This character is experienced in combat with X type of opponent and gains an attack bonus against them. The more specific the typing, the greater the bonus.",0)