Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
There's a stairway down to the third floor? why not just skip that?

Action 1 & 2: Use 2 charges plus my 3 stored charges to create a massive flashbang of light and noise to distract all the foes for this round.
Action 3: Use the Ogre Tusk, on the ground below me.

My earth elemental envelops one of the rooks.
My pawn keeps an eye out for that mysterious figure.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by Ten11 - 02-02-2019, 10:05 AM