Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> Oh my word, he's ADORABLE

[Image: wwB3zzd.png]

EFFY: Eeeeee
CLOVER: That’s not how ya fuckin’ do it, man! Hell, what if someone looked through the window right now?!
CLOVER: ... ‘Sides, those horns ain’t even that long, so that doesn’t explain the name. Right, Effy?
CLOVER: ... Effy?
EFFY: eeeeeeeee!
CLOVER: ... Ah geez.

> Is calling a demon adorable an insult?

[Image: sBh9fhq.png]

CLOVER: C’mon, Eff, cut it out.
EFFY: But... Look at hiiiiim!
CLOVER: (Listen, I know the dude ain’t the most imposin’-lookin’, but I’m pretty sure a demon wouldn’t take kindly to, uh... the whole way you’re reactin’.)
CLOVER: Effy!!

> "Should we do something about Selena? I mean, we don't know what she's up to, but it sounds pretty forbidden."

[Image: YuaIY7T.gif]

CLOVER: Look, let’s just freakin’... get back on topic here.
EFFY: (Clo look I think he smiled at me, he’s not mad)
AUBIN: The topic being?
CLOVER: Selena!! I don’t care if she’s not makin’ a zombie army or whatever, ya pretty much SAID she’s aimin’ for necromancy and that doesn’t sound ok!
NIMAH: Oh! Yes!
NIMAH: There is nothing I or my superiors can do unless she manages to bring someone back to life, but if it is at all possible to stop her before she gets to that point...
EFFY: (He’s so FUZZY! I can’t get over how fuzzy he is, oh my gosh! Are all demons like this? Why are they even called demons if they’re all this cute??)
CLOVER: (Cut it out!!!)

[Image: 5Z2vX2W.png]

AUBIN: Well, I do intend to keep an eye on her. You have nothing to fear.
AUBIN: In fact... Perhaps I could even do it with your help. She seemed to like you two, so I’m certain she would welcome your company.
AUBIN: Of course, I understand you must be quite busy. But if you have a little more time today, and you wouldn’t mind accompanying me on a short taxi ride...

[Image: pUXp2Yc.gif]

AUBIN: There was someone I intended to see today.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 01-18-2019, 10:04 PM