
RE: Legacy
...Is there any particular reason anyone would want to listen to Maintainer Halley Wildner, tho ?
Like: membership of any kind in .. whatever passes for political party or any influencial organisation ? Do they have some sort of social pull ? Some equivzalent to celebrity or fifteen mi ute of fame that would make their voice stand out if they climbed ontheir metaphorical soapbox ? Some kind of influencial support ? Untapped reserves of charisma and leadership ? Any reason anyone would listen to more than ten minutes if they moves over a metphorical soapbox ?
No because those seems kiind of necessary of almost every option, weither you're trying to do this dipomaticaly, stirr trouble or convince them to go colonize the plane on their own, it all hinges on convincing a lot of people fast.

Otherwise, what's left is 'subtefuge'.
Which rather be called sabotage , because that's totaly what it is. In fact it's good thing we're talking theoricaly or yur dear friend inf ront of you probaly would hve to arrest you jsut in case.

Messages In This Thread
Legacy - by Sunspider - 01-14-2019, 11:53 PM
RE: Legacy - by Sunspider - 01-14-2019, 11:53 PM
RE: Legacy - by Dragon Fogel - 01-15-2019, 12:30 AM
RE: Legacy - by Sunspider - 01-15-2019, 12:37 PM
RE: Legacy - by Arcanuse - 01-15-2019, 04:51 AM
RE: Legacy - by gloomyMoron - 01-15-2019, 08:07 AM
RE: Legacy - by Arcanuse - 01-15-2019, 10:57 PM
RE: Legacy - by Ten11 - 01-16-2019, 08:56 AM
RE: Legacy - by Numbers - 01-16-2019, 10:46 PM
RE: Legacy - by smuchmuch - 01-16-2019, 09:11 PM
RE: Legacy - by Sunspider - 03-13-2019, 01:13 AM
RE: Legacy - by Arcanuse - 03-13-2019, 02:17 AM
RE: Legacy - by Pharmacy - 03-13-2019, 03:31 AM
RE: Legacy - by gloomyMoron - 03-13-2019, 02:47 AM
RE: Legacy - by Sunspider - 03-15-2019, 02:58 PM
RE: Legacy - by Arcanuse - 03-16-2019, 01:23 AM