Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
Taiju-fu charge online!

After a few days of training, sensei smiles. “You are ready,” he says, and gives me the blackest belt.

I am now trained in the arts of taiju-fu. Whenever a physical attack is done upon me, I have a 50% chance to counter, dealing half the damage back to the attacker, and blocking their attack. In addition, I can also attack using the arts of taiju-fu.
(I think that’s how it works.)
Actions 1-2: teach the prospitans chess.(13/20 actions invested.)
Action 3: Scythe && cannon.
(I think that’s also how it works.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by HunterX55 - 01-12-2019, 09:25 PM