Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)

Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session)
As an FYI, I've decided to award XP for more than just raw damage...

Karpinsky has gained a new Abilitech!
You place an array of booby traps and defensive turrets in the path of an enemy, making it dangerous for them to act! You can choose one entity or group of weak entities to target. If they take an action, they have a 40% chance of reciving minor damage and a 20% chance of receiving medium damage!

Redrover1760 has gained a new Abilitech!


Manipulating the Source Code of the simulation, you manage to inject a virus into your target! You inflict a 20% debuff on attack and defense!

(01-05-2019, 03:49 PM)Karpinsky Wrote: »1x Action: Deploy ODIN, start it charging up initial 5/5 if it doesn't start charged
(I won't have to order it to fire, right?)

2x Action: I attempt to hack the Seismic Wave Generator so its Seismic Waves deal damage to Terror Entities.


You deploy the ODIN! It will have only 10,000 HP but will reside an a unique orbital zone, making it untargetable by most entities unless they have high range or can travel into orbit! You don't have to order it to fire, but it will attack a random PG entity unless you specify a target!

You begin hacking the Seismic Wave Generator! +20% hacking progress! The Simumodder will likely work against you, so you all should try to help out!

(01-05-2019, 04:04 PM)FlamingFlapjacks Wrote: »One action: start the passive charge: MORE, MORE, MORE! 1/5
Then use two actions to create a few shields for the factory.

You start a passive charge! You also create a temporary shield for the factory, with 10,000 points of HP!

(01-05-2019, 05:29 PM)Numbers Wrote: »I focus, and give the Bee 3 points in Armor. If it doesn't result in stat armor, the 3 points will instead be put into Health.

You manage to give 1,000 points of Armor to the Giant Bee! However, it seems like any further upgrades to the Bee will require charging...

(01-05-2019, 05:34 PM)Redrover1760 Wrote: »Alright.

+3 charge to 6/6 Panic Button.

Panic Button Charge Activate.

Digital Sign: Unending Irony

I go into the world's digital realm, hack into it by teleporting past all the defending entities to the admin console, and UNLEASH THE ALMIGHTY POWER OF THE BAN on the BANHAMMER, THROUGH THE POWER OF IRONY BANNING THE BANHAMMER makes it instantly explode into pieces.

You somehow manage to split past the Simumodder's defenses! His Banhammer has been disabled this turn, thus greatly reducing his combat effectiveness!

(01-06-2019, 01:15 AM)HunterX55 Wrote: »Hey, btw, my “learn taiju-fu” is a passive charge. Just saying. I think I forgot to mention it. It’s my fault, sorry.

So, using actions 1 and 2 to charge,
Action 3: (CHARGED) Teach the Prospitans the way of chess, helping even the lowliest pawn to turn into a general.

/Not part of action/
Before anyone asks, the queen told me to.
/Not part of action/

Noted. You begin teaching the Prospitians how to play chess, but there are many of them and progress is slow... (3/20 actions expended)

(01-06-2019, 10:40 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »Tbh i didnt have anything specific in mind for what waking the earth would actually do when i started charging, but never mind.
I activate my passive charge to summon an earth elemental (this doesnt take an action right). The elemental has no specific shape, rather it takes the form of a mass of rock and dirt controlled by a single consciousness, like a blob but made of earth. 5 charges into HP, 1 charge into armor, 4 charges into attack, which can be just striking stuff with huge force, or engulfing them and shredding it on the inside. The elemental is a Horde entity, it cannot replace parts of itself that are hit out of it with more earth under normal circumstances.

Action 1: I make a mattress based armor. Its slightly impractical. But only slightly.
Action 2: I take the wallet modus and attempt to scoot by the seismic wave generator and captchalogue it.
Action 3: I get on my bike and attack the terror imps.

My pawn goes to the chess tournament again, to improve itself further.

Waking the Earth => EXECUTE

Earth Elemental summoned! It will have 35,000 HP and 2,000 points of Armor! As an FYI, I've realized that my functional HP calculations for Armor were quite off, so I'm fixing them to be more appropriate. As a Horde entity, its attack will decrease as it takes damage! Its standard attack will deal 6,000 damage at max HP, and it can also engulf a weaker entity (such as a Terror Imp), dealing 3,000 damage each turn and preventing them from acting!

You make a suit of Mattress Armor! It is worth 4 AP, but will give you a 10% debuff on attacking! You attempt to capchalogue the Seismic Wave Generator, but the Simumodder's anti-capchalogue defenses prevent you! Still, it deals 5,000 damage to the Seismic Wave Generator! You then barrel down on your Jet-Powered Motorbike Mk.2, dealing 5,500 damage to the damage Terror Imp and taking only 1 damage in the process!

End of Turn Battle

The Giant Bee heals for 5,000 HP! It then finishes off the damaged Terror Imp! 10,000 Build Grist, 6,000 Crude Grist, and 3,000 Refined Grist is added to the Grist Pool! The Grist Skimmer finishes mining the minor Grist Deposit, adding 5,000 Build Grist and 2,000 Crude Grist to the Grist Pool! The Grist Factory and Grist Drones produce 6,500 Build Grist, 2,750 Crude Grist, 1,300 Refined Grist, and 130 Precious Grist combined! The Earth Elemental engulfs a Terror Imp, dealing 2,000 damage to it and preventing it from attacking or bodyguarding the Terror Ogre! The Chess Tournament continues to train the Grist Skimmer and Grist Drones! The undamaged Terror Imp attacks the Earth Elemental for 3,000 damage! The Terror Ogre follows up with 11,000 damage! The Seismic Wave Generator deals 3,000 damage to the Earth Elemental! The Simumodder attacks the Giant Bee, but is only able to deal 2,000 damage due to his disabled Banhammer! He also reduces the AG Hacking Progress of the Seismic Wave Generator by 10%!

Grist Pool: 99K B, 40.5K C, 13.1K R, 160 P
Alchemist: [AG] HP: 1,000/1,000, At the Alchemiter
Grist Skimmer: [AG]HP: 1,000/1,000, searching for Grist
Grist Factory: [AG], HP: 15,000/15,000, Shield: 10,000/10,000, Armor: 3,000, Grist Collection: I, Overcharge: IIII
Grist Drones: [AG], (x3) HP: 5,000/5,000
Giant Bee: [AG], HP: 11,000/15,000, Dodge: 80%, Armor: 1,000, heals 5,000 damage each turn, debuff of -20% Dodge and -20% Attack for entities it hits.
Earth Elemental: [AG], HP: 18,000/35,000, Armor: 2,000, Horde entity, can engulf enemies
Chess Tournament: [N], HP: 10,000/10,000 Trains 2 entities or groups of entities each turn, training Grist Skimmer and Grist Drones
Terror Imps: [PG], (x1) HP: 23,000/25,000 Engulfed, (x1) HP: 25,000/25,000, each have a 25% chance of tanking an attack aimed at the Terror Ogre
Terror Ogre: [PG-BOSS] HP: 80,000/80,000, Armor: 2,500, Hop of Doom: III
Seismic Wave Generator: [PG] HP: 17,000/25,000, Blocking "Wake the Earth" charge, AG Hacking Progress: ++++++++++
Simumodder: [GM] HV: 4/10

KeepOnRolling: [AG-P] HV: 11/20, Dodge: 50%, Grist: 40K B, 20K C, 8K R, 0 P
Karpinsky: [AG-P] HV: 20/20, Dodge: 50%, Grist: 49K B, 26K C, 11K R, 0 P
FlamingFlapjacks: [AG-P] HV: 20/20, Dodge: 50%, Grist: 54K B, 26.5K C, 11.2K R, 20 P
HunterX55: [AG-P] HV: 20/20, Dodge: 50%, Grist: 40K B, 20K C, 8 R, 0 P, has respawn sickness
Ten11: [AG-P] HV: 4/10, Armor: 4, Dodge: 50%, Grist: 4K B, 8K C, 10K R, 0 P
---Dersite Pawn: [AG-S] HV: 10/10 Dodge: 50%
Numbers: [AG-P] HV: 15/20 Dodge: 50%, Grist: 43K B, 21K C, 16K R, 0 P
Redrover1760: [AG-P] HV: 10/20 Dodge: 50%, Grist: 25K B, 10K C, 8K R, 0 P, wearing Cloak of Levitation
TrickleJest: [AG-P] HV: 9/20, Dodge: 50%, Grist: Grist: 40K B, 20K C, 8K R, 0 P

High Orbit Zone - Distance 3
ODIN: [AG], HP: 10,000/10,000, Orbital Strike: IIIII

Passive Charges:
MORE, MORE, MORE!: [FlamingFlapjacks] 2/5
Learn Taiju-Fu: [HunterX55] 10/20

Messages In This Thread
RE: Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Test Session) - by gutza1 - 01-06-2019, 05:59 PM